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UPDATES FOR SONY VAIO MP3 POCKET ***sign this thread***


UPDATES FOR SONY VAIO MP3 POCKET ***sign this thread***

OK people maybe if there is enough people who will sign this thread, to get sony to do an update so we can view video formats on the sony vaio mp3 pocket.
Maybe this will attrract there attention and they could sort it out!

Maybe they will but get your fingers crossed, Pray and write your name here...

:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

155 REPLIES 155

count me. It would eb grat if there's a fw with video playback *dream*
Than the Vaio would be onethousandx better than the fu**ing iPod


I highly doubt sony will read this or do anything to update it. I doubt they'll even read this thread unless soemone sent them a link to it


i'll send an email!


i'll send an email!

sorry, i cannot send. I got some problems with my internet.


Please, anyone who is reading this thread - DO NOT GET YOUR HOPES UP. Firstly, the VAIO Pocket is already discontinued, after less than a year. Secondly, don't you think that if Sony had the capability of giving the VAIO Pocket video playback, they would have already given us an update? Thirdly, the player was not built for video playback, i.e. the memory and stuff inside it was designed for smallish MP3's, not 700MB video files.
Its a shame, as I actually love my VAIO Pocket, but it was a bit like Communism really: great concept, appeared to be suberb and for some people (like me) it was, but in the end it was a complete disaster. For me its still as good as an iPod as a person who loves sound quality will know, but even I have been having problems with it, i.e. it freezing with a white screen on a few occasions, and me needing to leave it in this state so that the battery can fully discharge :slight_frown: I use it 100% as it should be used, but again its a shame that it can't be a better product as it had a lot of potential. Maybe if it was a bit smaller, and a few months were taken to fix every bug in the operating system, then the world would throw their iPod's away and wake up. But I still have faith in Sony to learn from mistakes.
So all you naive people wanting video playback, don't have false hope, just accept the VAIO Pocket for what it is even if it aint that flawless. I still love mine, and will keep using it as long as it doen't permanently freeze/die.
Peace out,


gosh such optimism


I was optimistic when I bought it, and even thought that there could be a possibility of video playback, but then I thought of the hardware. The VAIO Pocket was never meant to even consider playing video files. Also, I am in love with my VAIO Pocket, so don't dare say I don't have optimism as I did and still have a little hope left, but it won't do anyhting as I know there will be no video playback upgrade. Its physically impossible. Sony have left this player for dead ages ago, they ain't gonna waste time and effort into reviving it.
Ive had the VAIO since launch date, and its wonderful. But this video playback issue ain't got nothing to do with optimism, and neither do the problems Ive had with it and the flaws it has in general, im just stating the pure facts. Sorry.


im in aswell

signed Kris1990


Lmao, oh well , seems some people prefer to be blind :smileygrin:
im just gonna hope that Sony decide to make a new portable video player, I wouldn't mind getting one if it were at a reasonable price (which I doubt). Or if Apple make a video iPod, it might encourage Sony to make the same thing.
Oh, and just a reminder -


Peace. Now please, :smileyshhh:


but even I have been having problems with it, i.e. it freezing with a white screen on a few occasions, and me needing to leave it in this state so that the battery can fully discharge 

Ah – The White Screen of Death !
SONY’s brilliant version of Microsoft’s very own Blue Screen of Death!

This has happened to me just once in 6 months – I just switched the VP off and switched it on again and the system hang was cleared straight away.
Even if that hadn’t worked I’m fairly certain the reset button would have sorted it out and I’m surprised that you had to go to the extreme of letting the battery run down!

Having read about it on the forum , but never suffered from it , I was actually quite excited when I got my first white screen……

Maybe I shouldn’t tempt fate by joking about it…. at a frequency of once every 6 months it’s kind of acceptable – after all how often do you have to re-start your PC?

As for Video on the VP – I’m afraid I have to agree with the majority here – I don’t think it will ever happen.

HD too small
Screen is far too small (and the wrong shape ie not 16:9)
VP is discontinued and SONY have other current hand held products that will play video.