It's a major and common issue, which everyone is facing. There are a lots of conversation regarding these issues. Sonys best Smartphone Xperia XZ Sounds getting muted. The problem is temporary solved, after restarting the phone. Many users complaining about the topic several times. But its a shame for Brand like Sony not to give any bug fixing update or help to resolve the problem. What is the value of that expensive phone if it is not ringing at time of call. I am a true fan of sony. If the customer support of sony is as bad as it seems. how come people will buy sonys phone.
I know this is a repost but.. The solution to this problem isn't working.. I'm getting boring to keep restating my phone all the time and more than 6 times a day for my sound.. I believe this is a software problem and not a bug from app as they told me.. I want it to fix it soon.. And don't tell me to reboot on safemode or do a factory reset or even to try to fix it on pc Companion.. I have did them all.. BTW sorry for my bad English
No it will not. Using flashtool to flash your xperia, will not void your warranty. You need to see "How to Flash xperia through Flashtool" on YouTube before performing flash, you can also Google it. you will find the instructions how to do a flash.
Hi. I have bought my xperia xz about 1 mounth and I have experienced the problem 3 times. The notification and ringing sounds just get lost despite the all off settings say that the sound is on. Whan i play a music or movie or some trick about the sound, the sound come back again. I called the Sony support on Turkey and made the soffware repair but it does not make any change. I cannot prove it because usually problem is not exist but it feels me insecure that my soung can get lost anytime i need it. I believe all xperia xz's have the same problem. Sory for bad english.