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I have downloaded and installed Xperia keyboard on my XZ using a link from XDA. I seems to work fine. However, I just noticed some strange quirks this keyboard's auto-capitalization feature has in some apps. Auto-capitalization after the end of a sentence (dot, question mark, exclamation point etc.) seems to work fine in most apps, but not in GMail app. When I compose a new message in GMail app, only the very first sentence is auto-capitalized. After that the keyboard just ignores dots (question marks, exclamation points) and permanently remains in lowercase mode.
SwiftKey keyboard is free from that problem in GMail.
Is this a known quirk of Xperia keyboard? Or is this some kind of incompatibility with XZ specifically?
@Korben-Dallas Can you check if the same problem occurs in Chrome when writing in forms? Something similar?
@alexdon wrote:@Korben-Dallas Can you check if the same problem occurs in Chrome when writing in forms?
No, I don't see any problems in Chrome forms. Xperia keyboard works as expected there.
At this time the only incompatible app I know is GMail.
You might want to contact their developers too.
The Xperia keyboard works perfectly on my XZ, but then I don't use autocorrect and never have. Sometimes it doesn't give me a capital letter after a full stop/period but I can live with that, after all it's a tiny gremlin compared to what I'd have to put up with whilst using other keyboards
When you say Xperia keyboard, do you mean the pre installed Swiftkey Keyboard on the XZ?
@josho495 wrote:When you say Xperia keyboard, do you mean the pre installed Swiftkey Keyboard on the XZ?
No, I'm talking about classic Xperia keyboard available for manual download and installation through the link on Xperia XZ sub-forum on XDA site.