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I have downloaded and installed Xperia keyboard on my XZ using a link from XDA. I seems to work fine. However, I just noticed some strange quirks this keyboard's auto-capitalization feature has in some apps. Auto-capitalization after the end of a sentence (dot, question mark, exclamation point etc.) seems to work fine in most apps, but not in GMail app. When I compose a new message in GMail app, only the very first sentence is auto-capitalized. After that the keyboard just ignores dots (question marks, exclamation points) and permanently remains in lowercase mode.
SwiftKey keyboard is free from that problem in GMail.
Is this a known quirk of Xperia keyboard? Or is this some kind of incompatibility with XZ specifically?
Now with version. 110 the problem with Gmail seems long gone. I own this phone cpl days now and the Swiftkey was the worst feature for me coming from Z3 compact. It's am atrocity to change the Xperia keyboard to swift. You got to bring back official support Sony!