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My ($200) solution for AWESOME sound on the Sony Xperia XZ Premium
Now I just need to find some better headphones to fully appreciate the quality.
Apparently you have to be logged in to view posted photos here so here is a link to pictured solution:
(in case you're just passing by the forum).
I'm looking to improve loudness of ring tones, alarm atc. My xperia XZP even on louder settings is very quiet. Every other phones like Apple or Galaxy are much, much louder. In my phone I have two speakers and ring tones are very soft and hard to hear when any noise is close. Please make my phone be louder. Koko4
To have really great experience with the Dragonfly you need to download the "USB DAC Player" from Google Play. It's 8$ or so but uses the Dragonfly natively and makes HUGE advantages in sound.
Yes, I purchased it even before my Dragonfly Red was delivered, it is now called USB Audio Player PRO:
Now I ordered some really nice Klipsch XR8i in ear headphones:
While I'm waiting for these to be delivered, I'm busy ripping my cd's into lossless .flac format and copying them onto a 128 mb SD card.
Might as well go all out.
Aren't those Kilipsch headphones made for iOS?
. I posted questions,,,, that I have problems with how low sounds ringing tones, not how to lessen to the music. Music is fine. Only I'm looking for answers how to make louder my xperia xz premium without any gadgets so I hear better that I have incoming calls. I try many different ring tones but I'm still not satisfied.
Have you tried ear candles?
Yes, plug on left is IOS type on the Klipsch headphones, on right is standard plug.
Sony XZ Premium doesn't seem to like the IOS type plug, it will play a few seconds then pause till I press the pause button on the cord, then plays a few seconds more. This happens repeatedly.
However the Klipsch headphones work perfectly when connected thru the Dragonfly but the button on the cord is of course non-functional then.
On a side note, the Klipsch headphones work perfectly when plugged into my Android Blackberry KEYone headphone jack, button pauses, unpauses, skips track forward & backwards no problem.
With using the Dragonfly, any phone can play awesome music. You don't need an $800 Sony.