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Hi guys, I've just got my XZ Premium for about a week, my last phone was a Moto X Play, been using Android for years. This is the first time I've came across this problem. Normally when you press and hold on a sentence/words you'll be able to highlight and select the words you want to copy/cut etc right?
But I realised that I won't be able to highlight and words while I'm editing/typing in some cases, which all of them I'd have been able to do on my moto x.
For example, I'm not able to highlight or select (not even select all) in Google Keep, Google Calendar and even trying to copy a partiality link from Chrome address bar. When I try to long press like normal, the phone would vibrate once and then only show a single line to show where I can type, but won't let me select to copy anything. For Keep, I'd have to copy the whole note instead which doesn't help at all
For Calendar, whatever I've pasted in the Note area I won't be able to select again while editing to copy out the address and paste in Address, but I could do it while it's NOT in edit mode.
I'm using Google Now Launcher but I don't think there's anything to do with it.
Am I missing something simple here?
Able to select when not in edit mode
After long press it just won't give me the select bars, which it has been working for all my other Android phones
@najodleglejszy wrote:
that's weird, I tried and it looks like I'm having the same issue in Calendar and Keep. it's probably a bug in the app, although trying to get Google's attention is going to be difficult đ
The only work around I've found is to long press at the end of the paragraph, it'll then give you options to Paste or Select All. Click on select all then I'll be able to use the select bar to highlight the parts that I wanted. Not the most convenient way but it works at least