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UPDATES FOR SONY VAIO MP3 POCKET ***sign this thread***


UPDATES FOR SONY VAIO MP3 POCKET ***sign this thread***

OK people maybe if there is enough people who will sign this thread, to get sony to do an update so we can view video formats on the sony vaio mp3 pocket.
Maybe this will attrract there attention and they could sort it out!

Maybe they will but get your fingers crossed, Pray and write your name here...

:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

155 REPLIES 155

Me too!.

Count on me!



:smileygrin: I agree with ya'll .....however, maybe the "brains department" at SONY could first sort out these two problems "missing track titles" when transferring albums from PC to MP3 player... or am I the only one.
Also......:smileycry: Is there any way round having to view the photos on my MP3 from the start, everytime I turn on the player.
:slight_frown: I have about 150 photographs on my MP3 and I don't think I've seen the 100th yet !!!!

I have a XDA II Pocket PC and watching videos on the train is dangerous and makes you miss your stop. I say no. I say yes to videos with GPS tracking that warn you when to get off. Mobile Media player 10 only comes with certain phones and the new £30 Voice Commander which makes it even more annoying. By the way send and e-mail to Sony inviting them to view this thread.


OK people maybe if there is enough people who will sign this thread, to get sony to do an update so we can view video formats on the sony vaio mp3 pocket.
Maybe this will attrract there attention and they could sort it out!

Maybe they will but get your fingers crossed, Pray and write your name here...Gonçalo Janeiro

:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:



Well, i think all these things we are asking for are perhaps out of our players reach. Plus i doubt video support will be particularly amazing on the Vaio Pocket. But hey if it were to happen then cool. I think a better way of viewing photos would be more appreciated.

My main quarel with the Vaio Pocket is that there is no means for me to use it with my iBook (or indeed any apple computor) bar using Virtual PC. I find this utterly immature of sony not to provide support for Apple products, specially now they are becoming far more widespread amongst their target audience then ever before.

I already own an ipod mini and to be honest, once the battery finally goes (does anyone know how many battery charges the Vaio Pocket can go thro before having severe battery life loss?) I will not get a new battery, but purchase the ipod photo. Its annoying I have to use my old PC to use my Vaio.

SO sony, create Sonic Stage for MAC! If Windows are willing to make products for Mac then i dont see why you cannot! As far as I am concerned, Sony should foucs on making their Music players more universally supported anduser friendly in order to stay afloat in this market. They have to face the MP3 hard disk based player market cannot be "won" now, they left it too long and were too complacent.

Wow, big rant.


yeah people let's do it...

Plz a new firmware update!

SONY... LISTEN TO US.... :smileysmug:


come on sony, get the updates out...

i,ve been a sony fan for years, sony camera, sony video camera, sony laptop.. dont let me down on my mp3 player....


I fully support your view


Yes, here goes my support... let's fix some issues like:

two albums with the same name, different band... sometimes appear the wrong album cover.


We want more update :grin: