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Pioneer DVR-K12D defective? I can't write DVDs anymore.


Pioneer DVR-K12D defective? I can't write DVDs anymore.

I'm very concerned about my DVD drive.

It's going haywire. It can't write DVDs properly. When you insert a DVD in Nero, it goes through the writing procedure like normal. No errors, no prompts etc.
It writes the DVD as though it had done so successfully. But when you refresh, i.e. eject and reinsert the "written" DVD back inside, the display icon for the DVD drive simply changes to "CD drive", and it just doesn't detect a disc in there at all.

I've checked everything, including the following, all of which did not help at all: (NONE OF THE FOLLOWING HELPED) --
- Update firmware to latest

- Checked IDE/APATI devices status at DMA available.

- Fixed or changed ASPI layer (to ForceASPI 1.7)

- Used several versions of Nero (6 and 7)

- Scanned everything, spyware/adware, viruses etc.

- Reformatted entire system and reinstalled WinXP Pro

- Used two different DVDs; DVD+R and DVD+RW
The DVD+R is CopyMe, which was manufactured by Mitsubishi, and the DVD+RW is Packard Bell which was manufactured by Optodisc.

- Restarted the PC several times.

- Even tried cleaning the new blank DVDs

When it does work, it does so rarely! Even worse... when I insert a prewritten DVD that is fully functional, and then writing another session on it, after writing the disc, it renders it useless. Absolutely useless, as in the disc doesn't work anymore. I've already lost gigabytes of data due to this problem.

The thing is, it is really weird, because I have been using CopyMe DVDs for a long time. I bought two 25 pack spindles, and the first 25 pack I used were burned successfully, no errors.
But on the second pack, after a few DVDs or so, the drive just didn't write properly anymore.
So can it be the media's fault?

Also, I'm also getting "power calibration error" when I try to format a DVD+RW, the Packard Bell DVD+RWs. For those which I can write on (i.e. preformatted) it can write as though nothing is wrong, but when you eject and reinsert, the drive status changes to "CD drive" and nothing is detected.

I can't format DVD+/-RWs.

Everything else is fine though. I can read DVDs fine. Read blank DVDs fine, movie DVDs fine, prewritten DVDs fine (except for those which have been rendered useless by this problem).
I can write CDs fine too. I can erase CDs fine.

It's just the DVD writing is the problem.

Is this a drive failure? Is it dying?

My warranty had expired already. If this is a physical fault, how much would it cost to replace this DVD writer?


Hi Kei, you've not been very lucky with your VAIO....

I take it the other DVDs don't work in other computers?
I fear that you could be right, it's knackered, as the laser has lost some of it's power.


I can't test the burned DVD+Rs on another system, because my others PCs can only read DVD-Rs. And I've run out of DVD-Rs for testing.

I've done some research and found these links:
This first one has a similar case to mine:

And this second one, the last guy has the exact same problem as I have:

This third one too is a similar case, but s/he got error dialogs, I didn't:

Some people say it's media fault, and that's maybe so. I will test it with DVD-Rs. While others say clean the drive (?). How would you do that? Wouldn't that involve disassembly? I've tried a DVD lens cleaner. Just a DVD with a small piece of cloth attached to it.

God help me.

You can also do the cleaning with a cotton bud on a stick and specialist cleaner fluid.

I bet Microsoft are behind it LOL


I haven't tried using back DVD-Rs again, nor have I tried manual cleaning with fluids.

I've read something about EEPROM, but I can't something to back it up. I've tried that EEPROM utility (from CDfreaks) for Liteon drives, but it said that it was unable to read EEPROM from my drive.

How would one backup the EEPROM in a Sony VAIO (Pioneer) DVD rewriter?

I've already created a case in VAIO-Link about this 3 days ago and I've no response from them.

I've also done some searching around and found several slimline writers from NEC and one from Sony (DW-Q58A) in PC World. It seems to me, that it's relatively simple to replace the DVD drive yourself assuming you study the disassembly procedure carefully. Besides the product states it's plug and play.
If this can be done manually, then I'm going for it, rather than wasting hundreds of pounds getting it done by VAIO-Link.


Have a similiar problem with my dvr k12dva, it had always been dodgy reading dvd's and hit and miss at copying coming up with a power callibration error . but now it won't read or write , got an external reader plugged into usb and it reads the same discs no problem at all. i have resigned myself to buying a replacement writer, unless anyone can advise me otherwise????:smileycry:


I had troubles with the original shipped Pioneer DVR-K12DVA (CD-RW/DVD+/-RW Drive) and posted on here in as well as.

Yesterday, finally I did get a new Sony DW-U50A (CD-RW/DVD±RW Drive).

Just in case to safe time and do not worsing time longer, take your machine to the next Sony repair centre.

I would say go for the NEC, they're good drives


Hi all
The drive now, is working fine, but I have 100% certainty that it will screw up later. The time when it started to work fine again was when I bought some Ritek G4 DVD-Rs, and burned one of the discs there. After that I've tried the DVD+Rs that I still have, and it's going okay (for now)...

I am positive this is a hardware fault, and I cannot get this replaced by Sony, because I've already posted a case on this to VAIO-Link 'e-support', and they literally neglected my case for 3 weeks. Not a single response from them.

When the time comes (and it surely will), does anyone know where I can obtain a guide as to how I can disassemble and replace the DVD drive in my PCG-K215B?

I've also been looking around for slimline notebook DVD rewriters. What model and manufacturers do people here recommended specifically?
Is the NEC ND-6650 good? Or how about Sony DW-Q58A?

Please give assistance.

Avoid that Sony too, a lot of problems have been posted here about it, the NEC's probably a better bet

As for eSupport I'd call them to complain