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Disabled Norton Antivirus and uncleanable viruses!!!!!!


Disabled Norton Antivirus and uncleanable viruses!!!!!!

Hello again;

I have scanned my hard disk through "Trend House Cell" on line as Rob kindly recommended.
There were 9 viruses detected, 6 of which are Troj.Agent EQ. 2 Joke Pchalint A and one BAT Sasser A. :cry:

The result from scanning with House Cell came as ¿Not cleanable. However I did not tick the box for Auto clean as I wasn¿t sure.

I believe these viruses are the cause of my Norton Antivirus disability and slowing down my computer.

Now I don't know what to do as next¿ Any ideas please :slight_frown:



re install norton

Sorry, but Norton is not the best Antivirus software.

try This

It's a freeware for non commercial users and I think it's better as Norton.


Thanks Seb;

I checked the site you recommended. I am going to download the AntiVirus Personal Edition.

But what shall I do once viruses are detected?
Will it be safe to remove them knowing they are all in C drive?
I don't know much about these things, but I read somewhere that if we remove a viurs; we might remove a very important file with it!!!! Is that true?

Thanks for helping

But you must update this software every day or more frequently.

Yesterday I had downloaded 4 new Virus updates.:smileyrolling_eyes:

You must check all drives on your PC.
When you find a Virus. try to repair the File. AntiVir can make security copy from the orignale file.

But for this you must configure AntiVir.

You can configure the AntiVir main program and the AntiVir Guard.exe (you can find this in the systray, beside the cloch.

1. Make a right click on the systray icon and click "AntiVir Guard configure"
2. when need help, click the help bottun ( very helpfully)

here are points that I use:

searching by read and write, searching all files, Makro virus heuristic(high).

For the main program, I use the same settings.

Hope this is helpfully.

You should remove the viruses - it's important - they can attack other computers, it's not good practice to leave viurses on a PC, specially one you use often.


There are now many viruses in Ad-Aware Se Quarantine! 356 are MRU!! Some are back ups and the rest, I don¿t know what they are!!

"While Ad-Aware Se" was scanning, the AntiVirus came on asking for what to do with the following items:

Contain the signature of a cost-incurring dialer
Dial/300744 (Dialer)

Also another Dialer in C:\System voluminformation\restore.....
The options available were ¿Denny¿ ¿Access¿ ¿Delete¿ and Quarantine, but not repair. I didn't know which one to choose so I chose Quarantine!

Do I still need to delete these items in Quarantine?
And what do I do with Norton Antivirus which doesn¿t work? Do I download a new one from internet or re-install my old disc (2002) and update it after?

I have to say that there are: McAFree, Ad-Aware Se Personal, AntiVirXp, and Window Firewall in my computer now!! but still my pc running too slow? :angry:

Anyone knows why??

Because this sort of stuff is pretty invasive I recommend that you try using HijackThis and post the logs to one of the specialist forums such as this

Read the posting instructions before you post your logs - the guys there are very knowledgeable about this sort of thing and will help you out.

The start page for Spyware Warrior Forums is here

make a right click on the systray icon from AntiVir. Start the main program. Open the configure menu.

Click repair, the option "repair with further inquiry" must be active.(sorry, I have the german version)

Normally AntiVir try to repair a file. If AntiVir can't repair the file, you get the option :

delete a file, accessed refuse(sorry I mean Zugriff verweigern), shift to Quarantine.
My opinion is to delete the file. Look at the Quarantine file from AntiVir wheter ther is an important file or dokument.

I would delete all, I never use the Quarantine file from AntiVir.

A other point.

You can't run diffrent Firewalls and Antivirus programs in the same time. You can run only one Firewall and one realtime virus scanner.

You can make a systemescan with (for example) 2 antivirus programs, that's no problem (not in the same time). But you can only use one realtime scanner.

post the logs to one of the specialist forums

good idea Rob, I'm not a specialist. I delete all viruses which I find.


Just deleting is usually fine for viruses, it's spyware that tends to be more difficult than that because it tries to make it very difficult to get rid of it. Viruses are almost always very small programs and don't include all the tricks to keep themselves on your computer. There's always exceptions of course.....

Just don't get CoolWeb. I tried every spyware scanner and virus scanner under the sun, plus CoolWeb removal tools and Hijack This. None of them could remove it I gave up trying :slight_frown: