
Nougat and XD93

I just made a USB update the other day, to Android PKG5.381.0167EUB on my Sony TV model KDL-65XD9305
I did noticed that the music in the beginning of the update was very scratchy and annoying, so I turned down the volume.
After update my TV was ekstremly slow so I did a cold rebot and a factory reset. The TV is now responding allmost okay.
But I have noticed some problems with this Nougat update:
1: When I pres the button "Guide" the sound disapears. When I press a program to se Programinformation and then "Record" the sound comes back. All other menus, the sound is okay.
2: When I switch to HDMi, the "Favorite" is canceld
3: Changing the volume, my Sonos sounbar slowly comes out of sync meening that volumebar on TV screen gets higher and higher.
4: PiP does not work in e.g "Program Guide" and many other places.
Are these bugs, or shall I just live with that or do I just need to factory reeset once more and see if I'm lucky?


Hi Peter,


That's very frustrating.


I would recommend trying another reset and see if it fixes these issues.


Let me know how it goes for you?




Sean Mc

Thanks for your mail,

I have just tried to cold restart, factory reset, cold restart - no changes in my problems - and then again new cold restart, factory reset, cold restart without any luck 😞

I forgot to mention, I have one more problem:

4: When I turn on my PS4 the TV should go to HDMI4, but quite often there is just black screen.


Peter G.  :slight_smile: