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KDL-50W805C frame bending back 1cm at top

KDL-50W805C frame bending back 1cm at top

Has anyone else had this issue and did it get worse? I know this is an "older" model (2015) and out of warrantly, however this seems like quite a significant flaw and is very noticeable when looking at it side-on!


It hasn't impacted the picture quality yet, although I'm concerned that it will eventually if it continues to warp like this.

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Hi nodezero,


Sorry to hear about the issues you are having with your TV.


I've never come across this before.  Perhaps one of our community members can share with you if they have had a similar issue.


Please feel free to contact the Support team if you would like to discuss this further. 


Best wishes,


Sean Mc

 Thanks Sean. I've noticed an additional thing - it's only bending back in the top left corner, as if the left side frame is weak but the right is fine. I'll be curious to see if anyone else here has experienced it - I suspect I'm a victim of the race to thinner and thinner TVs. 😕

If the "bending back" is a darker area of the screen it is probably the foil type backing to the screen buckling off. I have a similar problems on a Samsung. Still displays  OK with a darker band down the sides.


I seen a YouTube video that reckons that if that area is given a very cold shock (a bag of frozen peas or the likes) by passing over the position with the peas (screen on) will make it re-apply is self. Personally I think it is nonsense but if you do try I accept no liability. I have gotten use the viewing with the darker bands and beleive it to be the adhesive has dried out on the very edge.