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I've been using XZ Premium for almost 2 months, so I guess it doesn't really fit in the "first impressions" thread. I've got some thoughts to share, some positive, but some neutral and negative as well, both regarding software and hardware. Also for the reference, my previous phone was Xperia X.
+ The looks! - I really like the rectangular dark slab with sharp corners. I spend some time on reddit and see many users in /r/Android (as well as other places online) bashing Sony design for apparently not changing since the original Xperia Z (which, let's be honest, is an exaggeration at least) and their phones still having huge bezels, but I can't say that I mind it, personally. I find it easier to reach the navigation bar of the screen when there's some bottom bezel while using the phone with one hand.
+ The display - it's bright enough for me, most of the time. Also changing color gamut to Professional mode in display settings makes it look really nice. I can't help but notice how ridiculously oversaturated other phones' displays are, now.
+ The speakers - I've seen people here complaining about the speakers being too quiet, but they're loud enough for me. My ringtone volume is set to about 50% most of the time, and same goes for media volume. I really like the way the music sounds on them, too.
+ IP68 rating - moving from Z3 Compact to X, I really missed the water resistance. I don't swim with the phone or take underwater photos with it, but it was nice to know that I don't have to worry about my phone when being surprised by a downpour. I also washed my Compact under a tap more times than I'd care to admit All in all, it's good to have a water-resistant phone once again.
+ Fingerprint reader - I feel like I'm having much better success rate with it than with the one in the X. It's accurate and unlocks the phone quickly.
~ The size - it's a matter of preference. When I held the phone for the very first time, it seemed giant and unwieldy compared to the X. I got used to it and don't mind it at all anymore, but I sometimes grab the X and can't notice how much more comfortable it lies in my hand. I'm using a Style Cover though, which adds a bit of bulk when it's folded behind the phone, so I guess that's a factor that comes into play, too.
- Glass on the back - I realize it was used to make the phone look more luxurious, but when using it caseless, it loses it's appeal quickly as it's a big fingerprint magnet, and makes the phone very slippery as well, and slippery coupled with the phone being a glass sandwich spell disaster. On the other hand, that way NFC antenna could be put in the back of the phone instead of the front like in the metal X, so I guess it's a double-edged sword.
+ Speed and smoothness - Sony UI skin is pretty lightweight when compared to, say, Samsung or LG, so it doesn't get in my way (just like software should) and makes the phone ran smooth when using it - I like that a lot.
+ Additional features - most of them are fairly inobtrusive and actually add to the experience. For example, I like the magnifying glass appearing when moving the cursor around, or the Smart backlight feature.
+ Some of the preloaded apps - even though I'm one of those people who replaces most of the stock apps with third party equivalents, I have to say that Sony's stock apps are solid. I actually don't feel the need to download gallery apps from Play Store, as Sony Album works just fine for my needs. Sony Music is great too, although my hunger for customization pushed me for GoneMAD Music Player and its extensive settings and toggles to tailor the music player to my needs.
+ Camera - It's quick to launch and quick to snap, and automatic mode provides decent quality. I also absolutely love the Super Slowmo mode. It reminds me of the time when I got my first cellphone with camera (Sony Ericsson W810, by the way) - I would take photos of everyone and everything and checkng how did they turn out. Over the years I, as well as pretty much everyone else, got used to camera being a part of the phone and I'm now taking it for granted, but the Super Slowmo sort of makes me go back to that period of wonder - I keep playing with it, checking how everyday events look like when slowed down. Sometimes nothing spectacular happens, but other times the effects are incredible. From my experience, the best subjects are skipped stones, insects and cats.
~ Some of the preloaded apps - I get it, I really do: partnerships mean profit. That said, I really, really don't like an antivirus app installed by default, especially since antivirus software can barely do anything on Android as it lacks permissions to even remove apps. I despise Facebook, so I frowned at the sight of it being installed on my phone by default. Luckily, the biggest offenders can be disabled, so there's that. Except What's New, which I feel like has no place on this phone at all. At least it lets me disable the nagging notifications, otherwise I'd be trully livid.
- Some of the software choices when compared to AOSP. I used to run Concept software on my X, and after switching to the Xperia-branded software on XZ Premium I encountered some bits that I find inconvenient or simply frustrating:
There aren't many that I encountered, but there's one thing that's been bothering me the most - sometimes automatic brightness stops working for some reason. I would sometimes find that the display was too dark in direct sunlight. After going to Settings > Display and disabling and reenabling Adaptive brightness, the display would suddenly get brighter. Sometimes the brightness slider would stop responding, too.
Another thing is automatic rotation being wonky at times - from time to time the phone will switch to landscape mode despite it lying flat or being just slightly leaned to a side because of the Smart Cover being folded below it. So on the one hand it feels like the sensor is being too sensitive, reacting to very small changes in position, and on the other it seems like it's not sensitive enough, as on those occasions it takes some shaking to make the phone return to portrait mode, because just holding the phone upright won't make the screen rotate.
Last but not least - that weird distortion in the photos. I wouldn't mind a regular wide lens-style distortion too much, but for some reason some of the horizontal lines run almost perfectly straight, and then harshly curve inwards in the middle of the picture. It definitely doesn't look like regular pincushion distortion, but I keep hoping that it'll be addressed in a future update. It probably takes time to find a proper, consistent way of correcting it with software.
There's also one thing that I miss the most from the days when I was participating in Concept initiatives, both on Z3 Compact and the X - staying in touch with Sony team. I know that it's much more easy to do in a small forum for just one device, but being able to voice my concerns and getting a reply from a Sony employee, often explaining why a certain choice has been made or why something or other cannot be changed was a truly magical experience, and I miss it dearly. It was also nice to be able to send a captured bug report to the devs and being involved in troubleshooting issues. For those reasons, if any kind of beta tests would be performed on XZ Premium, I'd jump on the board in a heartbeat.
I guess that's it from me. I hope I didn't bore anyone too much with the lengthy post (which I was writing over the course of three days) Overall I'm very happy with the device, and the good stuff definitely outweighs the few issues I've experienced.
If I'll remember any other remarks, I guess I'll just edit the post in the future.
thanks I added one more thing I forgot to mention before - changed animation speeds (a small pet peeve of mine).
Thank you for this review, it almost matches my personal impression about my XZP. But just to make sure, don't you have any issues with your Wi-Fi? Sometimes mine acts strangely where I find an X over my Wi-Fi icon in the notification bar. A simple toggle off/on will fix it temporarily.
@MrMuscle wrote:Thank you for this review, it almost matches my personal impression about my XZP. But just to make sure, don't you have any issues with your Wi-Fi? Sometimes mine acts strangely where I find an X over my Wi-Fi icon in the notification bar. A simple toggle off/on will fix it temporarily.
I've read about the issue but I can't really tell if it's the phone or my router being wonky. sometimes I get the little X but half of the time my laptop's connection hiccups at the same time.
I feel the same about battery/stamina ui and behavior. You've described that great. Thank you for the review.