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hi. My charger is not working properly since 2 days. I don't know what happened. When I try to connect it sometimes its charging and sometimes it's not. when it's charging, it's charging very slow. Please help me out with this.
lets narrow down the issue, test a different USB cable and wall charger > report back
hi thanks for the advice. I tried, still not working. I kept my mobile whole night for charging still its 91%.
Same problem here. It It's look like is charging and goes from 50% to 57% in twelve hours. I tried different charger different cable, tried charging with the phone turned of, with battery care turned on with battery care turned of. I don't know what to do no more.
Its the same for me. Even when its plugged in it doesnt charge. it takes 2hrs to charge 1%.
I will go tomorrow to a repair center to see if they can fix it. I will try first a software reinstall to see if it fix the problem. If someone knows how to fix this, please Help!
I've been to the repair centre yesterday. They said its a hardware problem. Usb point is defective. they said it would take 10 days to repair the phone. lets see. hope for the best!