Share your experience!
There are members here that are requesting features and reporting bugs. Encourage them by a response. I believe most of them are open for a discussion and willing to help. Even simple "yes, we are working on that" or "no, we aren't going to fix this" would be appreciated. Don't fear aknowledging bugs and sharing your plans on fixes. This will greatly encourage people to report more bugs. Let's make Xperia better. Together.
I wanted to a post a similar topic. Communication is everything.
Currently I'm taking up my WiFi problems with local support. I'll prob end up with sending in my phone for 'repair'. 100% sure I'll return it with a bill attached: 'Your phone is fine'.
If that happens, my XZP will go up for sale and I'll go for a Samsung S8 or S8+. I'm fed up with Sony Mobile. They blame low sale numbers due to competitors. I think it's mainly the support to be honest.
I'm a loyal Sony fan. I had a Z2 before my XZP. My mother has a Z5 Compact and my gf has a XZ.
My loyality glass is empty however.
@najodleglejszy wrote:
I think the main point of the post is to encourage Sony employees to reply more often to bug reports and complaints.
This is exactly what I meant. Thank you. Also Sony might request more details from topicstarters: screenshots, adb logs, ask them to run some tests, etc. I realize that most people payed their money for having an excellent product out of the box and they don't want to do testing, collecting logs and etc. But those fans who report bugs are ready to help with fixing, I think. And when they see no response from Sony, they likely will buy a product of other vendor next time. I'm not a native english speaker and sometimes it's hard for me to correctly express my point of view, I may mixup words and etc., don't blame too much. Thanks.
THANK you. I was thinking the same thing. I feel nobody is listening here and this is more of a fan-forum than a official one.
R U sonymobile developer?
Sony does not want to talk to you. They know they messed up - and decided to focus on a new device and hope we all forget about their failure fairly soon.