Share your experience!
One thing I've loved doing with XZ Premium since getting it, is using the slo mo camera in any mundane way possible to capture whatever interesting slow motion I can.
Let's have a thread to discuss and show off your creations.
Cool @Viridis!
I have some thoughts to add to the discussion:
From a slow-mo point of view I think you have better visual effect when the event is "unreal". Trains can go slowly, so seeing a slow train isn't "unreal" per se.
Seeing the blaze go slowly in "slo mo 6" is to me more exciting. That one also started "fast" so that you felt it "slow down" in a very unreal way.
Do you think I'm on to something?
Yeah, it does look more dramatic, with the trains it's hard to judge when to hit the button because of the speed.
I did a really odd one earlier, but it was poor light.
It was a drill but because of the normal shutter speed it looked like it wasn't moving until I hit slo mo, then it started to slowly move lol.
My best shots so far:
I really enjoy the camera even with its limitations - tried out bees yesterday and that was also impressive - but I really would like it to work longer.