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I have noticed, quite a bit actually, that the screen on Xperia XZ premium does not light up when you receive a notification.
i have all the settings turned ON regarding this, LED light works fine, and it shows my notifications on screen, but only after i turn it on with the power button.
Since this phone doesn't have the tap to wake yet! (please Sony, if you read this, push that update.....) it becomes quite annoying that you sit at a table with your phone, silent or not, and see/hear notification, but then HAVE to push the button to even see what it was and from who.
i might be unaware of a setting that enables this, but i have searched google thin to find explanations.
can anyone resolve this issue?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Might be, I'm not sure also. But I remember a lot of reports on this causing phones to make random orders while in pockets. The screen gets activated by random notifications and false touches are registered from the static of the lap.
Did you try that app by the way?
I have tested this and it seems that only select notification are able to light the screen up.
for me it would be the messages, missed calls
calendar and updates doesnt trigger the screen
also it would be less likely to work if the phone enters deep sleep or if stamina mode is active..
I will try to test some more...
By default, Android phones won't light up the screen upon receiving a notification. You can download some 3rd party apps to do this trick for you. Try Glimpse Notifications.
i was sure my z5 used to do it. but i might be wrong.
Might be, I'm not sure also. But I remember a lot of reports on this causing phones to make random orders while in pockets. The screen gets activated by random notifications and false touches are registered from the static of the lap.
Did you try that app by the way?
No i didnt try the app - i just live with it how it is.
but i miss my tapp to wake option to just check.
so i hope they will get that update rolling soon !!
but thank you all for the answers!!:)
Something that is really annoying me is that the Sony clock app doesnt activate the screen;
So when I set an alarm, I have to turn on the display to deactivate it.
I installed the Google App because of this, and I agree with the rest of you, xTrinne, I really miss dt2w as well