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Creating groups in Phonenumber Agenda of an xz premium


Creating groups in Phonenumber Agenda of an xz premium

I imported my contacts from my other Xperia but I was petrified to See That i cant group these. How can anybody imagine that one can handle over 300 namens without grouping them?! 

I also need advise whether Xperia keyboard is safe, because SwiftKey is an absolute cathastrophy when IT comes to fast typing. 

The camera also lacks some functions i constantly used, like touching anybody part of the display to take a photo. 


I'll have to wait until a moderator approves your screenshots before I can see them, so for now I'll accept the fact that both of the functions we're talking about are present on my XZ Premium.

OK, the pics are visible now. I see that you use "large display" setting. have you tried scrolling down on the camera menu? because of the display settings you use, not all options are visible at once.

regarding the group settings - as I've said in this comment here /t5/Xperia-XZ-Premium/Creating-groups-in-Phonenumber-Agenda-of-an-xz-premium/m-p/1255688#M5634, it possibly depepnds on the way you save your contacts. I save all of them to my Google account, so perhaps that has got something to do with it.

Thanks heaps! Still a small "but" remark:

Inside the title i specified, the question is about the agenda of the phone. Not Google, because i have an extremely poor internet connection here,  where i live. Never the less i will have to create groups, no matter where, since otherwise i cant finde the persons i'm looking for. 

I coudn't scroll down the menu on the camera, i had to change the setting of the display, which i did. And now  scrolling down works  even with large display. Thanks a lot for this. 


Oh, by the way: can i search for a contact from inside a google group and then dial it? An alfabetic agenda is  no good for me, when i need a doctor i have to search for my specialist from inside the group "doctors", for example.

regarding scrolling - that's weird. I switched to "big" display setting and I'm able to scroll in camera settings just fine

regarding groups - I just checked and it looks like the Contacts app doesn't allow you to manage groups in any way 😕

HOWEVER, you can download Contacts app made by Google. once you download it, you shouldn't worry about connection issues, as all your contacts are still stored on your phone (and backed up on your Google account). you can edit contacts and add labels (Family Friends and so on) to them and once you do so, you can swipe from the left side of the screen and find your labels there, and after tapping the label you'll see only the contacts with that label assigned.