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Please help me
I had sony performence before and had no problem with my sd card. But now when i try to se pic it dosent work. I can se size,date and stuf like that but cant open pic or movie.
Sorry for my terrible english
It seems to me your previous phone was set to encrypt contents of the SD card. If this is the case, then insert the SD card back to your previous phone, connect the phone to a PC and transfer pictures and movies to the PC. Then insert the card to your XZP and transfer the files from the PC to XZP.
Thank you very much for your reply! My cellphone that I had before is broken. The phone is at reperation. Maybe it's possible to fix it or I'll get a new one. Do you think it's possible to insert the card into my old mobile if it's been in reperation and make it work? But if I get a new mobile of the same model, maybe it does not work at all? hope you understand what I mean. Thanks again!
Unfortunately there is no possibility to recover encrypted SD-card files using another phone of the same model. I'm even not sure whether it's possible to recover if the servicemen will do a factory reset of your old phone.
Let's make sure that the encryption is a root cause. Try to connect the SD card to your PC using a card reader and open a photo from the card on the PC.