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Audio skips after update to Nougat


Audio skips after update to Nougat

After my new Sony xperia xz updated to nougat the audio playback is jumpy, you cannot listen to anything without it jumping and skipping, does any 1 have the same issue or can any1 help?


@Debz151180 I'm very glad to hear that! Slightly_smiling_Face

Thanks for letting us know which app it was that caused this.


Hello, after the last update the music playback stops randomly and I have to restart the playback. This happens while listening music over Bluetooth or wired headphones on all Titles, not on the same. The App (poweramp) doesn't crash or something else, I have no error message. This happens randomly all few minutes more or less often, in a song, not between 2 songs and on all speaker volumes. I have tried other players and it seems that the bug happens there too. No idea how to fix this, have someone other the same problem?

Hi @Hagen72, have you tried putting your phone it into safe mode and seeing if the problem persists when using any native pre installed music app? If it works fine doing that then an app you've downloaded could be causing the issue, that what happened with me x

Hello, I have the problem solved with some changings in the Poweramp settings, I have set the audio buffer something higher and switch off the option to stop the playback when any other app (game/video) plays sound. Tested 2 days with 2 hours music playback without any unwanted stops. When someone needs this reply me.. 😇

This issue encountered after nought update. In my XA Ultra, its only music in device. But in XA even it can use in built ringing tones. Only Quick fix I found was safe remove memory card,  reboot phone and insert it. 

(no issue in SD card though) something related nought storage management.