new phone - format odd

new phone - format odd

Went to see abot a new phone today, I've had 4 xperia phones, and love the FM radio. However, the current models in the phone shop are narrower and taller. Apparently this is to make it better for Netflix films.

I don't watch films on my phone, put don't want a narrow screen. Any news on normal format phones returning, or is it time to go to Samsung or something.(Never an iPhone!)


hello @johngs800rider 


unfortunately, Sony has moved on to 21:9 aspect ratio on all the latest offering, it makes sense since they also have a movie division so despite some people not watching movies on their device it offers great hand holdability.

What do you mean by normal format, are you referring to the 16:9 layout? Unfortunately, no phone manufacturer makes phones in that format anywhere. The S21 ultra last year was 20:9 very close to the 21:9 format on the Xperia.

Hey @MarlonUk1,


what do you mean by "unfortunately"?


21:9 is perfect to watch any video, especially as all phones have OLED screens, so the letterboxing on the side of 16:9 content is perfectly black, so it shouldn't distract. 


I love the 21:9 ratio, as I can watch a YouTube video on the top and browse the web or surf reddit on the bottom of the screen and still having a almost 16:9 window for that.


I personally hope Sony never goes back to 16:9.


- Nic

The OP was looking for a Sony device that is not 21:9 ratio . So "unfortunately" for him Sony doesn't do that. 

There are still other OEMs that still do 16:9s mosty Chinese...

Hi, yes I was hoping the screen width would be the same as my old Experia, but it looks narrower. I just don't watch movies on my phone. I don't play games, I want to listen to FM radio, play MP3s and use the internet and email.

I was also told that the phones now won't play MP3 files? I've recorded all my CDs onto my laptop, and in the past transferred them on to my phones. The guy in the shop said this is not possible now, as they want customers to use streaming services. I don't want to pay again for music I already own!

Is this right? seriously??

I see that I'm probably out of step, but I want devices that do what I want them to do, not what the industry wants me to do!

Hello @johngs800rider,


@johngs800rider  schrieb:

The guy in the shop said this is not possible now, as they want customers to use streaming services. I don't want to pay again for music I already own!

Is this right? seriously??

what? That is a blatant lie. You can of course still play mp3 files (and .wav .flac as well as any other file you can export music to or buy as).


- Nic

Hi, managed to sort phone problem. Took the Experia 10iii back and got a full refund, now ordered an XA2 Ultra. Same as I have but bigger screen, and more memory. FM Radio and better format. Hopefully it'll do me for a few years.