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: 0538152100026041
País : ES
Producto :
valentains escribió:
hola, pues resulta que el otro dia encendí la tele y me di cuenta que la imagen era con colores muy vivos, caras muy rojas etc, como si el contraste estuviera al máximo, también se apreciaba en escenas con poca luz mucha más oscuridad en la tele que de costumbre. Miré si se habían desajustado los valores de imagen, pero estaban igual que siempre.
He llevado la tele al servicio técnico oficial de Sony, y me han llamado con un presupuesto de 491 €, diciendome que la pantalla se había estropeado. Es una tele que tiene 3 años y medio. Es posible que una tele con ese tiempo, tenga esa incidencia? Cuando la compré creí que una tele Sony me daria una fiabilidad por unos cuantos años más. Evidentemente me he llevado la tele para casa sin arreglarla. Por favor, a alguien le ha pasado algo similar? me ha tocado la negra, buff.
Dear Sony support team,
This user is complaining that the images on his KDL 46V4500 are very highly coloured, showing very red faces as if contrast was at maximum levels. In dark scenes, the screen is too dark. The user tried adjusting the contrast values to no avail. Sony technical service quoted him 491 € for the repair saying the screen was broken. The tele is 3 and a half years old. He asks whether a tv of this age should have these issues. The user took the tele home without repairing it.
As this model forms part of the Security Inspection and update procedure for Bravia LCD TVs we are referring it. .
Kind regards,
The Sony Moderation Team
We will try to contact customer, but just to confirm, the model V4500 has no inspection programms in the link attached above:
So I believe we cannot do anyting in this case as the TV is out of warranty.
But we need anyways to contact customer to get the correct model to proceed with his according to that.
* We sent an e-mail and will keep you updated in case we receive any reply from customer.
Mona Abbas
Sony Support, Spanish Dep.
I called customer and explained to him that his TV is out of warranty and that the TV has no known issues nor needs safty inspections.
Just to confirm, there's a difference between an inspection due to a safty announcement like this one:
and known issues that may need repairs as in warranty like the following link:
For the first one TV will not be repaired, just it will be revised to confirm whether it has to see with a safty incidence that may occur or not and in case it is affected this issue only will be repaired for free.
But in case of known issue like panel failures TV can be repaired as in warranty because of this case only, repair centers already are aware of these models so customer can proceed directly with repair center, then in case the diagnose of the repair center confirms that it is not a TV panel issue, then customer has to pay for the diagnose fee then the repair fee if he accepts it.
This will be in case of having known issues regarding the TV panel like the model KDL-40W4500; if not, as in this incidense then customer has to pay for the repair in case the TV is out of warranty.
Best regards,
Mona Abbas
Sonly Support, Spanish Team
Many thanks for the clarification Mona,
We have taken note of the two links.
Kind regards,
VitaminaD, Sony Moderation Team.