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I WANT MY MONEY BACK - Oreo has ruined my TV

My Sony Bravia TV wasn't perfect before Oreo, but at least I could watch what I wanted, when I wanted.

You know, turn the TV on and within a second, you could be watching something.

Oh those heady days.  Has Google/Sony partnership decided that we watch too much TV so have collaborated to make it as difficult and frustrating as possible to catch a show?

Like a fool I had my TV set to accept all updates automatically, so got the Oreo update before I knew just how disruptive it was going to be.

After reading various posts, I put my TV through a factory reset and it "improved" the fact that it would freeze randomly and without warning when you, God forbid, changed the channel during the ad break.  Then, it would sit there like a child having a stubborn tantrum for 10 minutes before rebooting, thus making you miss the programme you were trying to watch.  Anyway ... the factory reset improved that "feature".  Now I'm stuck with a TV that randomly removes digital channels, and tells me it's connected, not connected, connected, not connected to the internet.

After reading several more posts, I'm now reconfiguring my router to use IP4 instead of IP6 and static addresses instead of DHCP.  What decade are we in again?  Seriously??  

I feel my TV is no longer fit for purpose and request that Sony refund everyone who is suffering so we can go and buy a bland no name TV that just works.

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