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Underwhelmed by KD55XD9305 - need advice

I have a few observations and queries and hope the wisdom of the board can help.


First of all I have to say I can't get the picture to be anything like in the shop.


i have followed the YOUTUBE advice given by a professional reviewer on settings and whilst that has improved things it's still not that great. I also found out that to get the best out of it I need to set up settings fir day and night use for each HDMI port.


can these settings be copied across each port or do I have to manually input them? That's 8 sets of settings! Can they be programmed to the coloured buttons on the remote?


Upscaling. I really can't see that it makes much difference between blue ray and upscaled to 4K. So I am not sure if it is even happening? How can I check? I have a PS3 and a Sony Upscaling blue player. The blue ray player certainly improves DVD picture quality but now to sure about the Blue Ray side of things. same with the PS3. When watching a blue ray I get the "1080P/24" text in the top left hand corner. So that suggests it's not been upscale do, either by the player or the TV. I can understand why the cable MAY be holding back the Upscaling from the blue ray but surely not from the to itself. I have been through all the settings options and can only assume it's automatically done.


lastly, there is scope contradictory info on the web about HDMI 1.4 and HDMI 2.0. My cables are good quality but will be HDMI 1.4. Do I need new cables to get the full 10bit colour palette performance out of the panel?

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