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Why won't it boot up?


Why won't it boot up?

HI all, I have a PCG-FX502 running XP home and sp2. All of a sudden it has stopped booting up. I get the right noises and a flash from the LCDs but then all lights go out (apart from the power light) and it sits there doing nothing.

I've tried removing the battery and power supply and holfding the start button to clear the cache but has made no difference.

Anyone heard of this mefore?

Any suggestions gratefully reecived.



as Rich said the laptop should boot up if the hdd does not work.
Did u install anything before this happened or did u do any thing tht could affect the laptop ie intalled a software.


Nothing installed prior to seizure.


I am having a similar problem with my a217s notebook

On boot up you hear the jingle that comes with the vaio logo, but the screen stays white. Has anyone come accross this and if so what did they do to resolve it?

I have not had a chance to take out battery yet or press reset. Just out of interest by pressing the reset button, does it just reset the Bios or do i look forward to losing more?



Have taken battery out and removed power supply. Removed both 256 modules and replaced the original one on it's own, plugged into power and we have lift off!

Also tried the above with the other non-original chip module and it won't boot in either slot. MAchine boots fine wih the original module in either slot. I think we have a memory problem.

Thanks for all the tips guys. Let's hope I don't get any problems with my new B1VP eh?



I got the same problem with my Sony Vaio FX203K. Once I turn it off, it won't boot again. But after a few days or weeks, it boots again successfully and works normal. Every time I want to use it, I have to wait for days or weeks to check if it starts. And only by chance, it boots. I bought the FX203K in June 2001 at the cost of about 2500 euro. I couldn't use it since November 2003!!! (Used only 2 and a half years.)

I spent 80 euro, had the FX203K sent to Sony France service center to check the problem. Sony asked me to pay 600 euro to replace the motherboard. That's odd. I can buy a brand new desktop with that money! I refused the offer.

Last year (06/2004), I found the following site that suggests it is the Memory Socket solder problem. I tried the solution, but it failed to fix my FX203K.

Recent days, I took the FX203K out again to try a new idea because I thought it could be the problem of the Power button. So I opened the front panel, and flipped the board under the Power button, I used a plastic stuff to push the small metal button, it worked and it worked two days this way. But unfortunately it failed again when I tried to stick a little bit glue under the power button to give a little resistance to it.

And now I nearly break the button, it still does not boot!

I hate my Sony Vaio!

But I still hope somebody come up a solution.

I found many people got the same problem, see site:

I believe this Sony Vaio "boot problem" is a common problem.


Glad to hear it's all sorted.


Back to my FX701, i've been to the other sites linked in these threads and discovered a huge, global, Vaio boot epidemic.

Most of the problems revolve around some form of memory problem.

To refresh, my FX701, with Windows XP SP2, was in use (MS Word) when it locked up (screen shutdown) and would not boot up. No software had been installed prior to failure.

When attempting to start, the power and battery lights illuminate, followed by a momentary flash of the three lock lights.

Then nothing.

The machine had 256mb of memory on one stick. I have interchanged this memory stick with another known good one, as well as installing them in both slots, but no joy. The suspect memory stick has been tried in another machine and works.

An inspection of the memory to motherboard connector pins for dry/missing solder has revealled nothing amiss.

I am therefore left with two possibilities;

1/ A failed CPU

2/ A faulty motherboard

Any other ideas would be most welcome.