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Why is it so slow in games?


Why is it so slow in games?


for the last one and a half years ive been the owner of a pcg-grt715M, and for roughly the last year ive been annoyed with how all games run on this laptop.

the guts of this laptop should allow games to run smoothly, i know i cant play games like halflife 2 or quake 3 or whatever on it due to the graphics card (Geforce FX 5600GO), but games like diablo 2, and other "older" games should be playable.

Not realy, i feel lucky when i get more then 20 frames per second, ive tried everything from reinstalling windows using the recovery disk, to installing windows from a cd that has no relation to sony, ive installed all the drivers, new ones, old ones, sony ones, nvidia released ones, nothing seems to work, the laptops fine for program's although thats seems to get slower and slower as time goes by to..

if anyone has an awnser on how to fix this, or even whats wrong.. i would greatly apreciate it, cause im getting realy annoyed by how this laptop holds up in games. i have an old 700mhz computer that runs games better, its just absurd.



the guts of this laptop should allow games to run smoothly, i know i cant play games like halflife 2 or quake 3 or whatever on it due to the graphics card (Geforce FX 5600GO), but games like diablo 2, and other "older" games should be playable.

Ive got the same notebook as you and can play games like Doom 3 and Half Life 2 extremely well, especially considering the graphics card. I'm running hl2 in 1024x768 and everything on high, the same with doom 3.
I suggest going to getting some newer drivers - im using 61.77 and the inf file for those drivers and going to and getting the latest agp update from their drivers and downloads section.
This should hopefully sort you out.


Doesnt help, still around 20 fps in games like diablo2 and hitman 2 etc.

i dont get it, you play hl2 and q3 on high details and stuff, yes i cant even play halflife 1 the way it should play :S

even though we have the same laptop, im beginning to think somethings wrong with my hardware 😕 but i dont realy believe that :S


Are you running off batteries when trying to play games? This decreases performance in games signifcantly.
Make sure anti-aliasing is turning off or set to application controlled, make sure theres nothing else running when your playing games.
Go into the virtual memory settings and set it to windows controlled.
Try Defrag.
If you've formatted recently though and put new drivers on, then it should be playing games pretty well. It might well be hardware related if nothing works.

p.s I hope you dont think the above sounds like im being patronising or assuming your completely new to using your notebook or anything, it shouldn't sound that way, just a few ideas to try.


Dont worry, im not taking it like that :slight_smile: im actualy surprised ppl react on these forums :tongue:

anyway, ive tried all of the above, nothing just seems to work, anit alias or not, results in choppy gameplay.

on the batteries matter, ive actualy noticed improved performance while playing on batteries :S seeint it to max performance, its actualy a bit faster then on power 😕

but using the powercable again brings down the performance it bit again 😕 making a new table in powerscheme for ac power didnt work either 😕

the virtual memory was and has always been set to let windows controll is.

i dont know what else could be wrong then :S