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Vaio Zone TV slowing down to a halt (CPU 100% usage)


Vaio Zone TV slowing down to a halt (CPU 100% usage)

I have a Vaio A417S notebook and just recently (Ive had it for 6 months) after about 20 minutes of watching TV it slows down to very slow motion. Recording or doing anything else on the laptop brings on the problem as well.

I have noticed that the CPU usage during the problem is at 100% with only Vaio Entertainent Platform having the highest processing usage.

I have used Disk Defragmenter, Disk Cleanup and used Tune UP Utilities 2006 as well and the problem still happens. I have plenty of space on my hard drives still.

The problem is really annoying as now i cant record or even watch a full TV programme!

Can anyone help? Is it possible to reinstall Vaio Zone or would that casue more problems? Is it a memory issue?



I am not too sure but which version are you running?


Is it possible to reinstall Vaio Zone or would that casue more problems?

You can reinstall it from your recovery disk. (you have to tune the channel again, or you can note it down which will save your time retuning it)

Hey man was jus browsing about when i saw this thread... I also experience the same sort of problem very occasionally with my a417s however it never actually halts.

The cpu aparently is running at 100% and regardless of what program it is running (tv tuner, windows media player, watching dvd's or even msn messenger) and after about 10-20 mins of propper use it slows it down in to this "slow mode".

From reading the first post on this thread I dont think that it is actually the same problem because typically there appears to be 76 processes running (which seems high). services.exe; rundll32.exe; MsMpEng.exe and svchost.exe take up the majority of the CPU time instead of just the vaio media center.

Even at the moment its the CPU usage isnt dropping below 50% at all yet all i have running is a few web browsers and windows task manager. last time i checked that didn't require 50% + of a 2GHZ processor. I have tried defragmenting, freeing up hard drive and to be honest thats pretty much it because im confused. The other day i found out my mates £300 laptop ran a game faster than my laptop (probly 5 times more expensive) so you can understand this needs resolved!

Any suggestions? Help appriciated!


What is the actual speed that your vaio runs at? (right click "my computer" and then properties to see). Is cooling fan working hard and being very noisy? If yes then it most likely just dirty cooler and air can barely pass through.

I'm only mentioning this because this was my problem some time ago but, of course, there are many of other possibilities, like problem with a driver, that could cause it...
