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SOnys Customer Support Sucks!!!


SOnys Customer Support Sucks!!!

I had a problem with my dvd drive on my RS404. Called Sony Support and they said the dvd drive would need replaced. They wouldnt send an engineer out to do this simple job so i had to get the unit shipped off to them. That was a week ago. Just received the unit back and the drive still does not work. SONY YOU ARE CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can you send something back that doesnt work??!!!! According to the Vaio support web site they have replaced the DVD+-RW drive. But as i told them on the phone it was the DVD-Rom drive!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Sigh, seems to be getting worse Tim, hope they fix it for you. Put a complaint in if they mess you around and make them wait months for the payment....
That'll teach 'em.


Sod making them wait, don't pay at all. If they had said that FIRST time you sent it in, then they would have a case but they didn't so they don't. They cannot hold you responsible for the fact that they didn't repair it properly first time. This would apply if it was a fault first occurring now, however since you had the computer 'repaired' and it was a botch job, you are now sending the computer back to correct THEIR mistake. It's nothing to do with you, the responsibility lies with them because the fault is theirs.

At least, that's the way I would argue it. I certainly wouldn't pay. In fact it sounds distinctly like they are trying to avoid you sending it back to them.

Yeah good point TT, they're making it up as they go along!