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SOnys Customer Support Sucks!!!


SOnys Customer Support Sucks!!!

I had a problem with my dvd drive on my RS404. Called Sony Support and they said the dvd drive would need replaced. They wouldnt send an engineer out to do this simple job so i had to get the unit shipped off to them. That was a week ago. Just received the unit back and the drive still does not work. SONY YOU ARE CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can you send something back that doesnt work??!!!! According to the Vaio support web site they have replaced the DVD+-RW drive. But as i told them on the phone it was the DVD-Rom drive!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Beavis and Butthead in support strike again :smileysad:. I don't know how many times I've seen people come to the forum and say this but it's an amazing amount it really is. I'm a proud member of the 'Why the hell is my computer not fixed' club too :smileygrin:

Might I humbly suggest that if it isn't against the terms of the warranty and is something you feel comfortable with, then take out the drive that works fine before it's shipped off so they can't possibly get it wrong 2nd time around.

Terrible, I can't believe sometimes the incompetance in Sony....

Yeah, look at this:

Create a New Case
Due to urgent system servicing, this option is not available.
We would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Hahahaha pathetic

It;s a crazy situation, returning an desktop system unit to France to replace a DVD-ROM which probably has an intrinsic value of about a tenner. Shipping costs alone probably exceed the value of the replacement part by 10X.


Exactly, and now it has to go back again!!!!!!!! If they posted me the dvd drive i could fit the thing myself. I now will have no computer again for at least a week while it is posted to France for a 10min job if that.

It;s a crazy situation, returning an desktop system unit to France to replace a DVD-ROM which probably has an intrinsic value of about a tenner.  Shipping costs alone probably exceed the value of the replacement part by 10X.

Couldn't agree more, it's criminal.
The time they spend fixing it too it's crazy


I forgot to say, when I sent my computer off to be repaired I was well aware of their knack for getting it wrong so I wrote them a note of what they were supposed to do and sellotaped it to the keyboard so they couldn't miss it. Cheeky perhaps but they read it and even fixed the thing I added that I forgot to mention when I arranged for it to be repaired so respect to them for that. Might be worth doing in your case :wink:

And I do find their repair shipping method odd, I thought they had a centre at Heathrow? At any rate I know they must have consultants in to help them keep things efficient and costs down so how they missed that I don't know. It must cost them an absolute fortune.


Ok, so the guys at Sony were supposed to call me back after they had talked to the engineers. They didn¿t so I called them. They said that they had spoken to the engineers and they want me to do a product recovery. Ie: I loose all my data even though I know what the problem was. I refused to do this on the following basis.

1. It had been taken to my local Sony centre where they looked at the machine and told me the dvd was gone. They told me it was better to deal with Sony repairs direct as they would be asking for questions regarding warranty and everything. I have no complaints with the local Sony centre as these guys were more than helpful.
2. It was sent to Sony to repair they looked at it. Repaired the one that wasn¿t broken (whats that all about??!!!) and then sent the machine back without even testing it!!!
3. There was no need to do a product recovery the first time so why should I loose my data now when there is no need. (I know I can make a back up but that¿s not the point, and I have in any case. But I hate these help lines when their first reaction is put in the product recovery cd)

They tried to tell me that if the engineers look at it and the dvd is ok and it¿s the software at fault they will charge me for it. Now forgive me if I am missing something but I sent it to them to be fixed the first time. I got it back and it didn¿t work so I expect it to be sent back and rectified under the original terms not on these new terms they are now introducing.

Sony are the ones who replaced the working dvd+- RW drive. I guess an easy mistake to make. Was it the DVD RW or the DVD drive???? But you would have thought they would have tested them to see which one it was? Did they not test it and say ¿mmm that drive seems to work, but we will replace it anyway, or did they not bother¿ Didn¿t they think that it may be the other drive? Did they not think of testing the other drive? It was only a simple case of putting in a disc. A 1 minute job if that. Surely any engineer with any experience would do that at the very least.

Sorry about the rants guys but I am extremely pi££ed off. I am without my computer for another week whilst Sony sort out the mess, but I am more annoyed that Sony are not prepared to admit their mistake, may try charging me for it, and have engineers that are completely incompetent.

Rant over for now I guess, I am away for a few beers to cool down!!!!!!!