PCV-RX417 : problems with 200GB HD


PCV-RX417 : problems with 200GB HD

Hi - I just bought a 200GB WD Drive and tried to install it into the second slot of my PCV-RX417 - but once I copy a 90GB Folder, the drive tells me that already 140GB are full - and 50GB left !

Does anyone know what kind of controller is onboard and wether its suitable for the ATA 133 200GB drive ?

Also: once I try to install a PCI Promise Ultra 133 Card it won´t activate the card - no matter in which slot i put it in !

Any suggestions ? Thanks, Marco


You have hit the 137Gb drive limit and the only way that you will be able to use your current controller and obtain the full 200Gb is with an updated BIOS and Win SP1. See

The drive will however work with the supplied interface card so you should concentrate on installing the card.

If you have access to another PC then try ithe card in there to make sure its working OK.

Regards, Rob


It may also be an idea to ask this question on the Western Digital forum at http://websupport.wdc.com/forum/

Regards, Rob


Hi Rob -

thanks very much for the hint ! I´ll try that at once.

Only problem is where to get the bios - i searched a little on the sony pages, but didn´t find anything. I heard the motherboard is an ASUS .. do you know the exact description? I could download the bios at Asus´s ! Thanks + regards from Germany Marco


Hello Marco,

You will probably have to contact Sony and try to persuade them that a new BIOS is needed. Your best bet is to get your Promise card installed then you can use the full 200Gb. If it will not install then test it in another PC or contact your supplier & get them to test it for you.

Hope you finally end up with the full 200Gb

Regards, Rob


HI Rob,

The big question is wether Sony uses a special Bios for their motherboard ?! If not so, a normal ASUS Bios would do. And Sony should have the new bios´s anyhow on their support page - but www.sony.de server is down at the moment !

OK, I´ll try to RECOVER the whole system by unplugging the internal 80GB Drive and hooking the 200GB on the Promise Controller - F6 and I can choose a SCSI Card when Windows XP installs - lets see, if this works out ! :wink: Thanks again & regards, Marco


It might be a good idea to also post this problem at Eddies main haunt at http://pub173.ezboard.com/bunofficialsony - you can never get too much help,

Regards, Rob


Hi Rob,

Thanks - a good idea ! There seems to be more going on than on the official site ! I just posted my problem. Best Regards; Marco !!



Ok, I fixed the problem. As I said I installed a Promise Ultra133 IDE Controllercard. I had to update the bios of this card, so it would handle 200GB Drives. Then I updated the Sonys Windows XP Home to Service Pack 1 - and now the HD works fine with 200GB.

I must admit that this was an expensive way -since I had to buy the controller. I would have liked Sony to provide us with the right BIOS for the Vaio, so I could have saved the money. Well, I think thats what we have to live with when wanting a nice Sony Design :wink:

Anyhow, all is good now ! ; ) Thanks for the support + best regards from Germany!


Happy to hear you got it sorted out. At least the next 200Gb drive you install will be easy :slight_smile:

Regards, Rob