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Paranoia: HD vibration in S2XP


Paranoia: HD vibration in S2XP

I confess: I'm totally paranoia when it come to my (expensive) hardware. Every scratch, every accidental bump, every click or tick worries me.

But to easy my paranoia: do other users (pref with S2XP) also notice a very slight HD-vibration? I didn't notice it before, most likely because it's quite hard to notice or considered normal. But ever since I bumped into the table on which my laptop was (running) with my foot, I somehow notice it.

Of course the laptop has its rubber feet, but HD's don't usually like to be kicked when operational, even when it's designed for mobile use...


I confess: I'm totally paranoia when it come to my (expensive) hardware. Every scratch, every accidental bump, every click or tick worries me.


I don't know about your problem, but I think it's normal to take pride in your new machine, and doing different would be a waste.

I can be paranoid about my computers too, and I think a lot of VAIO users are.

LOL I remember a few weeks ago how upset I was when my keys fell on my laptops lid and made three dents in the top. I was so annoyed I threw the keys down on the floor swearing loudly... LOL I think Rob calls it "battle scars".

I can be paranoid about my computers too, and I think a lot of VAIO users are.

I know I am, my brother said to me "Wow your computer looks so new, how long have you had "larry" now?" "About 7 months give or take", "Well it looks brand new."

The reason why I got so protective is because it cost a lot of money, and it would cost about 3 months wages to replace it. Pride is a good thing if you take care of your computer then it will last a long time...


Hahaha:smileygrin: You are not the only one who likes to really take care of his VAIO and feels bad when it gets "hurt". Many people I know have this. I even get upset when my stickers get scratched, u know the "Radeon and the Intel stickers".
As for your HDD. I've never expierenced a vibration in my HDD (Model S1XP). But sometimes I can hear a slight tick. I've read somewhere it is because of the enhanced power saving ability of the Hitachi drive. If you feel insecure about it why not contact Sony on it. Be warned though Sony Service is pretty bad IMO.
Good luck

 I've read somewhere it is because of the enhanced power saving ability of the Hitachi drive.

Partly true, that and the fact that it is parking its heads to protect the glass substrate disks inside.

 If you feel insecure about it why not contact Sony on it. Be warned though Sony Service is pretty bad IMO.

Yep. It is something they should address - I have heard it can be quite poor at times...

Yeah I like to keep my VAIOs safe, they cost a lot and to replace them would take nearly a year!

But still, best to keep it safe


I'm feeling as a VAIOist¿


Still only one answer to my original question: do other Vaio users also notice a very slight HD vibration? I'm not really worried, as all my desktop HD's also vibrate, and do so significantly more, but still...