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Optical Drive Issues


Optical Drive Issues

Hi Everybody,

I have been browsing through this forum today for a while and realized that there are all kinds of issues with the optical drives Sony is delivering with their notebooks (but not limited to notebooks). Despite there may be some problems related to incorrect system setup I would regard a significant amount of them as hardware (?) related. I am having such a problem too.
I just wonder whether Sony is aware of this and whether they have identified the root causes of all these issues. Are there any driver related problems or is it a manufacturing problem? I would like Sony being more responsive and active on these quality issues. So far I am very disappointed with the way Sony is handling the problems.

By the way, I also do not appreciate the way Sony is bundling their notebooks with Sony SW packages that aren't really good in my opinion but intend to bind customers to their products. In terms of updates and bug fixing this part (have a look which SW has been updated recently) seems to be far better supported than the pure basics of the system.

Best Regards
Rolu :slight_frown:


Yeah but this isn't a forum for just anyone. It's a forum for people who have spent a small fortune on (a) Sony product(s) surely that reason alone means they should make an effort.

Well said TT. We have all spent a 'vast' fortune on their products and therefore deserve better.

Go n-éirí an bóthar leat

Yeah but this isn't a forum for just anyone. It's a forum for people who have spent a small fortune on (a) Sony product(s) surely that reason alone means they should make an effort.

Well said TT. We have all spent a 'vast' fortune on their products and therefore deserve better.

I agree! 'Vast' fortune = not buying those pair of oh-so-hot sandals! :slight_frown:

Hehe there's a bit of Carrie Bradshaw in you then.....

Yeah I do agree, these notebooks and desktops aint cheap!

Anyone with optical drive problems please add to this, even if it has been previously posted to a different thread. I am sure that Kee-Lo will not flame you for double posting (on this occasion).

Go n-éirí an bóthar leat

I am sure that Kee-Lo will not flame you for double posting (on this occasion).

LOL nah I'll lot them double post in this thread ONLY.


So, having spent the last few minutes (I love broadband!) reading all the previous posts I can do nothing but agree!

I decided just over a year ago to spend the money and get a "high-end" laptop (PCG-DRT716S) thinking that the build quality would be great, support fantastic and all that good stuff!

Unfortunately, within 4 months the DVD +/-R/RW burner failed, although talking to someone on a phone was a help and got it sorted by sending it to base and getting a new drive put in.

Now, 8 months after the last send-to-base the DVD writer has decided it will only burn -r's at 1x speed! So what kind of service do I get now? Well, the laptop is over 12 months... so no warranty... even though the drive isn't 12 months old!

I have been a loyal Sony customer throughout all my "gadget" buying as I have no complaint with any of their other products, from Sony-Ericsson phones through to TVs, PS2's through to cameras... but reading the forum for the VAIO club is worrying... do they really have no respect for their customers once we have parted with our cash?

Even more worrying is the lack of online support... maybe I am being stupid? But I cannot find any updates for any hardware for the laptop I have... I built my desktop myself and have had quite a few updates from the various vendors... whereas Sony and their OEM parts seem to be in a viscious cycle... see the maker... see the supplier... see the manufacturer... etc...

Impresses? I think not!

Well... that's the rant over with... once again the big company makes enough money to allow it to annoy the few "Whingers" who's laptop/desktop isn't perfect! But you can't expect perfect at the price you pay!

Thanks for the time to rant anyway... Now off to spend 2 hours burning a DVD... Anyone got a good link for cheap external writers?


Welcome to the forum ScorpioTaz.
Impressed? I think not!
You are not alone there!!

Go n-éirí an bóthar leat

I am sure that Kee-Lo will not flame you for double posting (on this occasion).

LOL nah I'll lot them double post in this thread ONLY.

sighs with relief¿:smileywink:

Go n-éirí an bóthar leat

I'm writing to forum and magazine, and tell everyone that Sony does not equate quality and customer service...pfff..

l think its also a good idea to complain to Watchdog about this matter. too.


Good Evening Everybody,

I am just back from a short business trip and the first thing was to check what was going on with this thread (well, after dinner 😉

I have seen that a lot of people have read the thread,, and there was considerable effort in keeping it going. I have also seen new responses, which encourages me to keep going and also makes me believe its not all stupid what we are doing here. I understand Sony is not really interested in this forum as an instrument of customer feedback, but just has it set up as a location where unhappy users can vent their anger.

What Sony might not have considered is, that this forum is what its users (WE) want it to be. I would like to encourage everybody to follow the example the contributors have set and to raise the issue to whole new level. There is plenty of posts in this and the other topics of this forum which are not necessarily related to optical drives but probably to the same general problem: Sony's attitude towards their customers. For this reason it is not of importance if Sony observes what exactly is going on here. The time to bring it to their attention will come!

