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Memory upgrade for VPCW12S1E


Memory upgrade for VPCW12S1E

Hi all,
I have just been gifted the vaio VPCW12S1E 10.1" netbook with windows 7 starter (my first),following the demise of my macbook.
Being just 1g, I find it very slow and rather frustrating. Could I possibly upgrade this to 2g? What will be the best one to get? Will I require two seperate 1g ones or a single 2g?

Also, what is the best portable DVD drive to get?

Thank you all for reading this. Hoping to get some response.



Hi Maluks,

welcome to Club VAIO.. :slight_smile:

According to the VPCW12S1E specifications your Vaio already has the maximum supported 1GB of RAM.. :slight_frown:


Thanks for responding.The netbook is extremely slow when it is not frozen...which it seems to do quite a lot. The base gets very hot within minutes of booting and the fan is very noisy. I have booted it three time since set up and it keeps going into the "updating..." mode each time I boot. What could be the reason? Is this a general issue with this netbook or am I having particular bad luck? I read lots of reviews about the vaio and was very pleased to recieve one. I am very sad that mine does not seem to live up to the hype or my expectation.


Hi Maluks,

welcome to Club VAIO.. :slight_smile:

As your Vaio's new I would suggest your do a system recovery, using the Vaio recovery centre.

If the problem persists then either contact vaio support, the first thing they'll probably suggest is to do system recovery anyway, or return your vaio to the retailer.

hi maluks

yes is your answer ive just done mine its was so slooooooooooooooooooooow with just1gb so went on lkine to crucial memory uk put my netbook details in (which is the same as yours )vpcw12s1e it said i could TOO 2GB so i bought it watched a youtube video showing where its located\and how to change did real easy to do

now my sony vaio vpcw12s1e runs 2gb and is super quick

Dont know why sony say it can only handle a 1 gb max and to be honestif i could not have upgrade i would have got rid of it sonys mad

Oh yes the memory slot is located under the key board 3 screws on bttm and key board\pops out watch you tube FIRST THOU


Message was edited by: miles3514