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I feel robbed for my Vaio Screen replacement

I feel robbed for my Vaio Screen replacement

My Vaio lap top developed a black dot about half inch diameter on its screen after I moved it by holding the screen from my sofa to a table about 2 meters away in September 2007. As it was still under warranty period of time, I sent it to Vaio Customer Services for repairing. I thought they would replace it without any charge.


Sony however sent me a quote for GBP555.54 to replace this screen, giving reason 'Part Required:LCD Due to being SAMASHED' with status 'out of warranty physical damage'. The screen was certainly not SMASHED as my colleagues saw it when I despatching it to Sony.  As I have never mis-used the laptop and never dropped it, I could not accept this ridiculous charge given my laptop price about £800.00. After Sony returned the  laptop to, not repaired, Although I made millions phone calls to Vaio Links, they refused free repairing  and suggested me to complain to their manager Ms. Honorata. I sent my formal complaints twice to this manager by fax on 21/09/2007 and 15/10/2007, with confirmations to deliveries generated by the fax machine. But they never replied and simply let my case be outstanding to date.


I had no choice but replaced the screen in another country at my own costs when I went overseas for Christmas in December 2007. As I only collected back the faulty screen in September 2010, I sent the original faulty screen and original correspondence to Sony Vaio Europe H.O. In Belgium and launched another complaint on 29 September 2010.


At 14:18PM on 07/10/2010, Ahmad from Vaio Belgium called me and acknowledged receipt of my complaint. we had about an half hour conversation and he told that he could do something to compensate. But he also said that he passed my case to the management for a thorough investigation and reverted ASAP.


But on 28/10/2010, I received an email from Sony Link, who said that ' Unfortunately after investigating this issue, the responsible department informed me that it is not possible to repair any physical damage free of charge'.

I am feeling robber by them and fiercely protest against their decision. there are countless people each day moving the laptop by holding the screen. You are never told that you should not do that. The dot on the screen was a fault, not a physical damage.


I have checked information avaiable here. I found some similar cases. I wonder anyone could give me some advice regarding my issue, greatly appreciated.


Granted the repair cost is ridiculous but it wasn't a manufacturing fault with the machine, the issue occured because you moved it by holding the screen so its called accidental damage, how ever that is still not up to the manufacturer to fix the machine.

I mean would you really advise a friend or someone you know to move their laptop around by holding the screen, no, its common sense to look after the machines properly especially if like you said it cost £800.

They sent the information back saying that the screen was 'smashed' but you say it wasn't, its more likely that it was the part behind the physical screen that was damaged and smashed as that is a lot more fragile than most people think. It's not up to any manufacturer to fix something the customer has broke, thats what support agreements and insurances are for. Sorry to say mate but Sony were correct in this circumstance.

By the way I dont work for Sony

Thank you for your reply.

1. I believe It is not unusual people moving laptop by holding its screen. As consumer, I did follow the safety instructions given by Sony. I don't think Sony can get away with claiming it's accident as I have not mis-used the laptop.

2.I was instructed by Sony itself to escalate my complaint to its manager, who has never replied. I don't think Sony would be right to ignore customers' complaint since October 2007.

3. Sony did suggest me to claim from Insurance over phone. But is that fair?? Sony did not pay the premium.

4. Ahmad from Sony Vaio Belgium  office told me on phone on 07/10/2010 that Sony would compensate. I don't really understand why they changed the line now?

5. Sony charged me of GBP550.00 for replacing the screen of my laptop valued  £800.00. Is that reasonable? In fact,  replaced it paying a much less fee.


As consumer, I just wonder whether we have any legal rights against those unfair charge and appalling service.

It doesn't say in the safety instructions that you should not jump up and down on your Vaio either - some things are common sense.

It seems clear to me that you have no claim against Sony as this was not a manufacturing fault.  By all means take legal advice if you wish but there seems little doubt that the damage was caused by you and you are responsible for any repair.

I cannot comment on what was said on the telephone but it appears Sony agreed to review your complaint but decided there was no liability on their part.  I'm afraid I agree that this was the correct decision.

I do not work for Sony either.

Thanks for your opinion. It it common sense that people are not supposed to jump up and down the laptop. that is why you never or hardly see anyone doing that. But, can you honestly say you never move your laptop or  never see people moving laptop by holding screens? Do you see any screen damaged by that way?


If the screen had the same quality as the ones of the  most laptop do, then it would not  be damaged during the warranty of period of time. 

You can not brand it misuse moving laptop by holding its screen.


And another case of 'physical damage' (!) Sony is making money at the expense of its customers