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HELP! Notebook does absolutely nothing! Power problem?


HELP! Notebook does absolutely nothing! Power problem?

HELP! My notebook seems dead!

I have Notebook VGN-A215Z which I bought 2.5 years ago (December 2004).
Until today I was very happy with it, never had any problems whatsoever.
This morning I tried to turn it on, after switching it off last night.

Nothing happens!

No lamps, no Vaio startup screen. Plain nothing!

Normally I keep my notebook plugged in to the power supply unit, which I also did last night.
Today, after trying startup with power supply and only on battery and nothing worked, I took out the battery for a couple of hours, tried again, but still nothing happens.

The power supply apparently works, since the green lamp is on.

Can somebody please help? Has anybody experienced anything similar with their Vaio?

I'd be very grateful for answers. :thinking:

Thx in advance!



Hi Brian and welcome to Club Vaio.

I have to say it doesn't sound too good. It could be lots of things but you could try the following as a last resort: -

1. Check with a meter that the power supply is actually delivering power to the Vaio - I have seen many power supply cables develop a break or the socket on the Vaio fails.

2. Take the battery out, disconnect the power supply and then push and hold the power button for 30 seconds. Reconnect the power supply and try to start without the battery in.

3. Check the memory modules are seated correctly - take them out and put them back one at a time and try to boot.

After that I'm afraid it is probably a trip to the repairers!!


I have the same problem with my Vaio SR5 - in fact I also sent it back to the technical support and after about three days they (sony support) returned back the computer without doing anything

they said we checked out everything ... (except the power problem or the motherboard)

The problem is still the same and the only thing i do when the computer is not working:

1. light 4 or 5 candles in a half circular form

2. position sony vaio laptop in the centre of the circular shape (it is fine to have some unaccuracy

3. start to dance some indian american dance for the computer ..!

4. maybe some loud scream mights help (not the computer but you to feel better :slight_smile: )

after 4 or 5 hours the computer usually accept me as a user and works again as if nothing happened.

few days later ... the problem comes up again and i have to dance once more!!

LAst week I was not lucky .. I was at work and this problem appeared just before an important meeting where I have to present an important work for few people - (of course i lost the important contract because of this computer but the bad thing is I was not able to dance at the office -- na ja -- there were no candles there as well.

so dear Brian .. do not feel upset .. you are not alone :wink:

p.s. I paid in this "special" computer more than 1600 euro


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