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CD/DVR Drive in PCV-W1won't always read/play disks. help!!


CD/DVR Drive in PCV-W1won't always read/play disks. help!!

I'm having a problem with the disk drive in my PCV-W1. The only way I can get a disk to play is to shut the drive door and hold it firmly until the disk starts to work

Once it's registered, I can sometimes release the hand pressure on the drive door and all will be ok, another time it will work for a few mins and then stop. This is particularily annoying when trying to RIP or Burn. Playing a game is also a streesful event .

Any ideas on now to fix it, or is an enginner job? (Hope not as machine is now out of warranty)

Thanks in advance



Sounds like an engineer job , I had a similar problem on my RS402, however wasn't aware of the hand pressure solution , they replaced the drive but it went wrong again , was sent in for a second replacement but was scrapped by Sony after the new drive door wouldn't close properly , so it may be a manufacturing fault