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salve ho acquistato il blu ray di pirati dei caraibi per provare il lettore blu-ray del mio notebook fz21m. Quando inserisco il disco, il lettore non da segni di vita e se provo ad aprire il disco tramite risorse del computer mi dice inserire un disco e me lo fa espellere.
è capitato a qualcun altro? FATEMI SAPERE AL PIU PRESTO!!!! :thinking:


stesso problema con il mio notebook fz21z. provate tutte le soluzioni dettate dal centro assistenza sony ma nulla da fare.. mi rimane solo consegnarlo all assistenza.

tu prova le seguenti soluzioni e buona fortuna

Firstly, please ensure that you have downloaded all available updates for your computer at

1) Right Click on "Computer", click properties and click "Device Manager". This will open the Device Manager.

2) Double Click "CD/DVD - ROM drives" and then double click on your Optical Disk Drive

3) Click on the driver tab & click the uninstall button.

4) Please restart your computer twice.

5) You can try to do a BIOS reset once the computer restarts.
To do this, press the "F2" key several times once you can see the Vaio logo prompted on screen and press "F9" and "Enter" and after that, press "F10" and "Enter".

Has this solved the issue? If not, please try a system restore. You can use System Restore to remove any system changes
that were made since the last time you remember your computer working correctly. System Restore does not affect your personal data files
(such as Word documents, browsing history, drawings, favorites, or email) so you won't lose changes made to these files.

Firstly, restart your computer and keep tapping the F8 key as it boots up. Please select the "Safe Mode" option and press enter.

1) Click Start.

2) Point to All Programs.

3) Point to Accessories.

4) Point to System Tools.

5) Click System Restore.

6) Follow the instructions on the wizard. Please restore the computer back to a date when you know that it was working correctly.

If a system restore does not resolve the issue, then the last option available would be a complete recovery of your system. This will wipe all data on the hard drive and restore your computer back to it's factory settings, so please ensure to backup your important data first.

1) Please ensure that you have all data on your hard drive backed up externally. A full recovery
will restore the VAIO's factory default settings and wipe all data on the hard drive

2) Please restart your computer and tap the "F10" key as the VAIO starts up. This will launch the VAIO Recovery Utility. If your VAIO has Windows Vista installed please press the Enter key now. If your unit has not a Recovery partition, then you can use the Recovery DVDs supplied with your unit.

3) Please follow the onscreen instructions to begin the recovery. Ensure that you select the
complete recovery option when prompted.


Grazie dell'interesse proverò queste soluzioni e se non funziona manderò il pc in assistenza. :slight_smile:


Ho provato le soluzioni che mi hai postato ma non funziona


Ma il tuo masterizzatore che firmware ha? secondo me è un problema di firmware. A me ha l'1.00 :thinking: