KDL40W605B Sky HD picture quality


KDL40W605B Sky HD picture quality

Good Morning


I have recently purchased a KDL40W605B but unfortunately I am unhappy with the picture quality on Sky HD, something which I appear to be unable to change.


Using the built in freeview HD tuner, you get a whole host of picture and scene options to change away to your heart’s content. For the most part, I have found the default out of the box settings work very well, especially if you only intend to watch freeview HD.


However, I have long been a customer of Sky and my Sky HD box is connected to the TV using HDMI 1/MHL.


When selecting this input to watch Sky, on first glance the picture quality seems bright and clear but you quickly realise it is far too bright, the colours are too punchy.

This is particularly apparent when watching football on sky sports, the pitch for example the green is just overpowering and it dominates the screen.


You cannot bring up the picture settings menu when watching sky using the Sony remote control. You can only access this menu by selecting freeview HD as the input source.


There are also no options whatsoever to change picture settings on the Sky box itself. In the settings of the sky box you have a picture and a sound menu but the picture settings do not allow you to adjust things like brightness, contrast etc.


So switching back to freeview HD is the only option to access the picture settings menu. I have done this and as already mentioned there is a whole host of settings as well as more advanced options for adjusting the picture quality.


One of the first choices you get is the opportunity to select the picture options for the "current" input or "common" inputs.


I assume then that "current" means only adjusting the picture for freeview HD, whereas "common" should apply the defined picture settings to all inputs.


This however is categorically not the case.


I have adjusted the picture settings and selected "common" but the picture quality on HDMI 1 for sky does not change, regardless of what settings I select.


Why is this?


Unless I am missing something, this is unacceptable to me because the Sky picture is far too bright for my liking.


I have even made a ridiculous change by setting the brightness at zero and then setting the input as HDMI1 but no, still the same picture on Sky.


Why is the TV not applying the picture settings to all inputs?


Am I missing something hidden in one of the menu's somewhere?


I would greatly appreciate someone's help with this, Sony's instruction manual's leave alot to be desired as well, a quick start guide is included which does not cover these options, a full manual appears to be included but you quickly deduce that only the first few pages are in English (none of it covers the settings menus by the way) and the rest is in every other language in existence.


So all in all I'm not happy to be fair, any help provided would be very greatly received.


Thank you.



Accepted Solutions

you cannot use the standard tv options since probably you have configured the Bravia sync on (that by the way is not supported by mysky. 

You have to options:

  • disable the bravia sync
  • leave it enable, and press the sync menu buttonon the remote while whatching sky, the select the "use tv remote to control tv" (or something like that): in this way all the command send by the remote will go to the tv and you can now select option and change scene/image settings

View solution in original post


you cannot use the standard tv options since probably you have configured the Bravia sync on (that by the way is not supported by mysky. 

You have to options:

  • disable the bravia sync
  • leave it enable, and press the sync menu buttonon the remote while whatching sky, the select the "use tv remote to control tv" (or something like that): in this way all the command send by the remote will go to the tv and you can now select option and change scene/image settings

Thank you for this I will test it later on tonight


This worked perfectly last night, assessing the bravia sync menu like you described I can now access the picture options menu when watching Sky. This has allowed to make adjustments to the picture as required.

Thank you very much for your help.


I'm happy you can now enjoy your TV, even if I wrote in a very bad English :wink:


Thank you so much for this - it had been driving us mad trying to get the colour right on Sky Sports - who knew it was so easy!


Thanks I have tested it today and it works with my KDL SKY HD. ALso the options in the SKY box are very easy to understand. Now working find. Thanks