HDMI won't connect after update


HDMI won't connect after update

I have a 32 inch sony bravia which just updated itself to PKG4.000EUA on 3/12/2013.

Since the update I cannot connect any HDMI devices and the TV is showing an AV1 (scart) connection however nothing is connected to that port.

Does anyone have any ideas? I have reset to factory settings, turned off the tv, checked the cables and devices.

I also can't find the old firmware to roll it back.

Help is appreciated !
Not applicable

Hi there


What model TV do you have?


As a suggestion:

  • Turn TV OFF (from the wall)
  • Unplug all HDMI leads connected
  • Turn TV ON (with HDMI leads disconnected) - leave on for a couple of minutes
  • Turn TV OFF again (from the wall)
  • Reconnect HDMI leads on a different HDMI port
  • Turn TV on again

If that works, repeat procedure and connect HDMI leads to the desired ports (probably original setup)


Also, you cannot roll-back firmware updates.




Hi there

Thanks for the reply. I followed your advice but the problem still exists,

Model of TV is KDL-32W653A

Grateful for any other ideas .....

By the way, the device I am connecting is a sony blu ray player
Not applicable

Hey there


Your not having much luck hey.  What model Bluray player do you have?


A couple more suggestions :

  • Try replacing the HDMI lead with a spare one (or borrow another one from someone)
  • Reset the bluray player back to manufacturer default (although I guess difficult if you cannot access the bluray player - may need to connect it to another TV, if this is the case)

If that fails, I guess we need to figure out if its a connection fault at the TV end or the bluray player end.

  • Maybe test the bluray player on another TV
  • Do you have another device to connect to the TV via HDMI?

Hope that helps
