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RDR.. Issues (May 2014) - MASTER THREAD


RDR.. Issues (May 2014) - MASTER THREAD

Friday 23rd May approx 19:00 attempted to turn on DVD recorder RDR-HXD995. Seemed reluctant to power on from remote (and when pressing power on on unit itself) as in UPDATE mode. Finally after switching power off at the wall a few times, managed to get it to respond. However when a channel is selected, it displays for a short while and then the screen goes blank. Also, a programme which was set to record, has not recorded.

Is anyone else experiencing this problem - is this July all over again or is it just me?

Any help/advise would be appreciated.



Success! EPG is back to its normal blue at last. Didn't have to do anything after last Easy Setup...just took a while same as for Greysurfer yesterday. My device is an RDR-HXD970, bought in 2007.


Fingers crossed for our Nordic detective programmes this weekend :slight_smile:


Time Sony tried to figure out what EPG data is doing this and sent out an update that has some decent error handling...before it happens again.



I've done the reset loads of times and have never lost any recordings.


Tried that.  Now nothing works.


It's the weekend of 30/31 May and the issue has occurred again! Switching the recorder off and on again after 30 seconds worked last weekend, but isn't having any effect this time around. I've resorted to re-tuning using France as the designated country, as suggested previously. It gets the channels back, so I can use the recorder again to record programmes, but I've lost all the EPG information so will have to do this manually. Sony really need to sort this out. NOT impressed.
No aplicable

For the people who are still having problems - try the following suggested solution:


Re-tune the recorder, but cancel out before it finishes: 


  1. Goto System Menu->Initial Setup->Basic->Easy Setup and
  2. Let it go until it has started finding channels before pressing Exit to cancel.


My experience is same as kegrego37.  Last weekend things were back to normal for me by mid morning, but not this time.  I have tried all suggestions posted on this thread (including a full factory reset just now).


To confirm what others have said a factory reset doesn't wipe out your existing recordings.  That's all fine.


The suggestion of starting a scan for new channels and cancelling before it ends doesn't work for me.  I either end up with frozen channels or a completely hung device requiring a force power-off/on.


Still the only thing that is consistently working for me is to select "France" for the channel scan and set recordings manually via the (empty) Guide+ interface.  So far any time I try to go back to "UK" I end up with channels that freeze after a few seconds.


I am in the London area (aka. France) so I guess it is the Crystal Palace transmitter for me too.


This forum is the only thing preserving the last vertiges of my sanity.


Thought problem had gone away for me. Just checked box and Upload showing. Reset and now once again no EPG and channels dropping out after a minute. Here we go again !!

None of the suggested fixes, apart from tune to France and use manual timing, are working for me.

OK, so this 'solution' works for me...Thanks, Quinnicus.


I have RDR-HXD995 tuned to Crystal Palace which has exhibited the same issues as everyone else on this thread. Numerous power down/up cycles and power on/off cycles later and this solution is the only one that seems to have worked - albeit with a new EPG colour.


I waited for the first group of channels to be found before I hit the EXIT button - my channel order, timer settings and recordings are intact.


Now, much as this seems to be an entertaining way of spending my Saturday mornings; is there any possibility that Sony/Pioneer can find a way for this EPG data to not be so destructively problematic?

Thanks Quinnicus. I tried the disconnect from power supply, the retune, the Initial set up and interrupt. It did seem to work again earlier, but since the 2.00pm update from crystal palace it's all gone up the Swanee again, both my recorders. Picture and sound go after a couple of seconds and EPG evapourating. I thought Sony were going to issue a firmware fix. Is it worth using the firmware update from 09/02/2010 (vers. 1.70)? I found the instructions daunting as I do not know what ISO 9660 means, it's not listed on my PC.

This thread and the number of replies in my inbox is becoming unreadable. Is there a way I can just focus on answers / fixes? Problem still with my RDR