HT-CT780 and W829 audio lag / lip sync

HT-CT780 and W829 audio lag / lip sync

I have recently purchased the rather lovely HT-CT780 to go alongside my 50W829 TV and have it connected in the following way:


TV > Soundbar - HDMI (ARC marked port on each device)


I also have my PS4 connected to the HDMI 1 port on the soundbar.


Both seem to suffer from a slight lip sync problem when watching TV or a Bluray.

When switching from the TV speakers to the soundbar the sync delay is slight, but noticable.


I am using a new, HDMI 1.4 cable to connect the TV to the soundbar.


So where am I going wrong? Any thoughts or assistance would be appreciated!


If you look on page 16 of your HT-CT780 manual it mentions the AV Sync function defaults to OFF.  You might try turning it ON and see what happens. It might help but it "could" make it worse.  Unfortunately on several pages following (26, 27 etc.) it says you may notice a slight audio delay when watching movies, etc.  That makes it sound as if it is inherent in the design which makes little sense since video processing takes far longer than audio processing and the typical problem is "early" audio not delayed audio. AV sync or lip-sync error does vary a lot between sources - even between broadcasts on the same channell - so when trying to solve this problem you should choose a fixed source - the same DVd or BluRay perhaps - and play the same scene over and over as you make changes.  If ARC is carrying the audio from TV to soundbar you may also check to see if any audio delay is set on the TV. I normally suggest an external audio delay like the Alchemy2, Felston and Primare delay boxes to gain total control over lip-sync error but in your case if the manual is accurate and an audio delay is inherent an addditional delay could only make matters worse.  There's a lot of information on lip-sync error on the LipFix and Felston websites.