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About soundbase HT-XT1

About soundbase HT-XT1

Good evening to you all. I have the HT-XT1 soundbase. It's a nice peice of mashine but it doesn't have an internet connection (ethernet or wifi) and a usb player for music from a usb flash memory. There is a newer version of this mashine, the HT-XT300, if I'm not wrong, which does have those connections. But as it seems it is not available to the greek market. My question is that, is there any way to add somehow an internet connection and a usb media player to the HT-XT1; There are two hdmi inputs available. Thank you. 

Community Team



Welcome on the Community.


There is a way around this: if you download the Songpal app on your phone (easily available on the App Store or Google Play Store), you can then control the HT-XT1 from your mobile thanks to Bluetooth/NFC and then use it to listen to Spotify, for example.


Other Community experts or  users may have other solutions to suggest  though.

Thank you for your suggestions. Yes, I am familiar with SongPal. But you see, there are occasions that there are interruptions to the signal of the internet station that I want to transmit to the ht-xt1. These interruptions are happening quite often I might say. Either using the SongPal app or the bluetooth connection of my phone's software.