
Tv resolution

Hi everybody.

I just bought a 4k (maybe) Sony Tv 49x8005c. My problem is windows shows 1080p as a native resolution and gpu wont display anything above that. Whats more Monitor Asset Manager reported that my Tv can only go up to 1080p

Can somebody explain please?

I'm questioning that I actually bought 4k TV and the funny thing is I'd be happy with 1440p


Accepted Solutions

Thank you for all your help.

All seem now great. My cable arrived and I can easily display movies and games at 2160p. It was the bloody cable all along. My gpu seems to be able to pull 4k without any fan noise 😉


Thank you again

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Here’s the spec of your TV:-


If this is indeed the TV you have, then it is 4K, no question.


I have no idea why you are checking it in Windows, nor how Monitor Asset Manager works, but as  that is something that runs under Windows, rather than something downloaded to the TV from the AndroidTV store, then you are likely being informed of the maximum resolution your PC can achieve on the TV, even over an HDMI cable, and not the maximum that the TV is capable of.


I bet your PC is limited to HD, and can’t do 4K; but if it can, make sure the PC screen is set to 4K resolution, and try again.

My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…

Thank you very much for your reply.

Thing is my gpu is capable of 4k and both nvidia settings and windows display settings show available resolutions but somehow 1080p is set as native. I'm so lost.

By the way I'm using 1.4 hdmi cable. Can that be an issue?

Hi @androot69 


There is no such thing as a 1.4 HDMI cable. The number standards apply only to equipment.


Having said that, there are standards for cables, which can be Premium High Speed, High Speed, or Standard, permed with Ethernet/No Ethernet, and the 1.4 HDMI standard does mention Standard and High Speed cables.


You don’t need Ethernet. And nor Premium, normally, unless you are trying to run an extremely long (>5m) HDMI cable.


As long as your cable says High Speed on it, it should be fine. But if it is just a Standard one, then you will need to replace it with a High Speed one, to get 4K.


But if you need to convince yourself that your TV is 4K, then look for something 4K you can watch, other than from this PC.


A 4K BluRay, obviously, if you have a UHD player there. Or maybe a video off YouTube, if you don’t have a subscription to any services carrying 4K, and maybe you will need to download it to watch it if your Internet isn’t fast enough to stream it. But while playing it, press the (i) Info button, and see what resolution you are getting.


Beyond that, I think you will be looking for someone to diagnose the vagaries of your (unspecified) PC, running an (unspecified) version of Windows, something which may or may not have a 4K screen itself, and/or which may or may not claim to put 4K out over the HDMI connection, even if the included screen can’t do that, and which may or may not need you to uncouple the screens, or put the PC in a certain multi-monitor mode, in order to do it, even if it can do it.


If you can post the spec of your kit here, I can probably tell you if it can’t do it (which is going a little beyond our remit here); but if it looks like it can do it, but you can’t make it do it, then that is going well beyond our remit here, and you will need to ask on a PC forum.

My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…

Thank you again for your reply.

I did watch some 4k videos on youtube and they were amazing. All I can blame is my pc but it boggles my mind...

 I have i7 7700k and gtx1060 6gb which is capable of sending 4k. I spoke to nvidia support however and they blamed the TV as they based their conclusion on the raport from the software I mentioned above. No company is keen on blaming their own product, obviously, especially when other components are involved.

I'm going to try a different cable and contact nvidia again but I'd like to ask another question while I'm here. I hope you dont mind.

When the Tv is displaying signal from my pc ther are moving dots in different areas of the screen. Sometimes green sometimes red. The mainly appear on pictures or videos. Intersting thing is when I changed the hdmi port they were gone. However I have to say the problem is quite unpredictable because I can point to specific port where those dots appear the  most. My best guess is the cable.

What do you think?



Here’s a review of graphics cards from Tom’s Hardware, a respected source, which mentions the GTX1060 as a good 1080p card, good enough for VR even, but not to meet a 1440p requirement.


The red and green dots are what are called sparkles, I think, from an HDMI cable operating at the very edges of its capability.


Standard tops out at 1080i; 1080p and higher need a High Speed cable.


Did you look at what was written on the cable? What does it say? Always good to try another one, but no need to pay monster amounts for it.



My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…

Thank you for all your help.

All seem now great. My cable arrived and I can easily display movies and games at 2160p. It was the bloody cable all along. My gpu seems to be able to pull 4k without any fan noise 😉


Thank you again

I bet the old one didn’t say High Speed on it. Or it was lying.

My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…