Trying to identify TV issue

Trying to identify TV issue

In 2015 I took many months to choose which TV I wanted to invest my funds in. Eventually I settled on the X8509C as it had excellent picture quality, at least 100htz refresh rate coupled with 1000htz processing, 4x HDMI 2.0, USB 3.0, it had been announced a HDR software update was coming and the price had just been reduced to something just within my range. I tend to try a future proof myself as much as possible when making my purchases.


I can confirm that after the original purchase of the TV I encountered multiple issues almost immediately. Took probably about a week for me to notice the first crash/reboot, and my partner said “oh it done that the other day”.


I raised these issues in person at the Sony Centre I bought it from as I passed it on a daily basis on my way to work. I was informed that most of the issues were software bugs which will be resolved over the coming months with software updates.


Over 12 months passed and multiple updates released but the issued persisted even though the updates promised certain fixes for my model. These faults included:


the TV randomly (at least once a day) turning itself on and off throughout the day or night,


occasionally when being switched on no sound would output and it would require a full reboot,


the Bravia synch features (Or HDMI CEC) repeatedly fail to recognise other devices. I have an Apple TV4K, Sony AV Amp, PS4 and a PSVR. One minute they all work fine, the next moment I get an error message regarding a “communication failure” and the Amp will loose sound, or the TV won’t send the power up or power down command to the other devices when its being turned on or off.  The devices will appear in the synched menu, then disappear. Each time I have had a replacement TV, none of the issues occure and everything works perfectly.


sometimes the TV would power up but the screen had no power to it (so we had a completely blank screen but with sound),


sometimes after rebooting we would just get the loading reboot screen for 10-15mins at a time,


the TV guides and app navigation would completely freeze up or become unresponsive and require a reboot,


The promised High Dynamic Range (HDR) update does not work. Any time it is activated, every colour on the screen looks washed out and the blacks turn grey.


Some of the YouView apps sometimes don't work for hours at a time even though everything in the settings states that the software and apps are up to date.


TV repeatedly crashes when going from apps to Youview or vice verser


Get multiple error messages saying various apps have failed even though I’m not even using them


I experience at least one of these issues at least twice a day and all of them at least once over the course of a week. At the end of February of 2017 I finally lost patience. After receiving another "software bug resolving update" my TV failed to power up and would just basically loop on the power up screen. I went directly to the store, and after much convincing they finally sent an engineer. He took one look and advised the TV had serious issues and it was taken away for repair for 2-3weeks. In its place I was left with a very basic TV with no apps or catchup TV services. This left me extremely inconvenienced as the smart features and apps were the main reason for my purchase. I work very long shifts and watch a majority of my TV shows after they've aired using the apps like BBC iplayer, all4, itv hub etc etc. Basically I lost out on a few weeks worth of viewing as I often get home after midnight when there's little live stuff to watch.


The TV was then returned to me, it turned on OK at first but a majority of the issues returned over the following week. Again after visiting the store, I was assured these issues will be resolved with software updates as it was a new 6.0 android OS and the TV was fine as they had fully checked it. November 2017, I had finally had enough after it decided to power off (which wasn't uncommon) midway through watching a football match. It took 20mins of rebooting for me to get the picture and sound back up. I rang the store the next day and demanded the TV be taken back as it was not fit for purpose. After over 3weeks with the rubbish basic replacement TV (that’s when I had to go out and buy the Apple TV as my Mrs was using the PS4 to watch her rubbish on the old set we had in the bedroom) I was contacted and told the issue is a fault with the main PC Board. They will be replacing it and sending the TV back, however I have completely lost faith in this particular product now. I was also told that the first time it was submitted to them for repairing, they only reinstalled the software and they failed to carry out a full long-term test on it to identify the cause of the other issues I am still encountering.


The TV was returned to me in early December and my loss of faith was proved correct almost immediately as I encountered almost all the same issues that day it was returned. If anything, they have actually gotten worse as I now run the TV in 4K enhanced mode with the Apple TV. Turning off Youview seems to reduce the crashing issue but has worsened most of the other issues.


 I didn’t want to be without a decent TV over Christmas, so I have waited until now to submit it again for repair. The TV is in for repair as I type this message. This is the third time in less that 12months where it has been taken away. At least this time they have left me with a satisfactory replacement (different make though) and I can honestly say I haven’t experienced one single issue whilst using it (so that shows it’s nothing to do with my other devices or setup). If it wasn’t for the fact the motion blur is worse with this Replacement, then I’d keep this one and refuse to take the other back.


My father has a 55” XD93 and for the last 18months and when speaking to him at Christmas he told me he hasn’t had a single issue. And when he seen mine failing to recognise the AV amp and the error messages flashing up about apps failing he was really shocked.


I'd also like to add that I have dozens of photo's and videos of the TV malfunctioning.


Can anyone help with what I need to do to identify the issue as the engineers have failed twice already. If not then anybody know what the exchange policy is? Still got 3yrs of a 5 yr warranty to go and it’s been in twice for repair already. I’m fearing the day they actually return the same TV as I know it’ll carry on having meltdowns!!!!


Having used aging laptops and PC’s in my last place of work, to me it just feels like the hardware can’t handle the software. Things run slow and then errors appear.  To me it feels like it just can’t handle Android updates and Youview and there’s a bottleneck in it somewhere, resulting in a crash when it overloads. I think they rushed out the 2015 models and maybe if they issued me with with an alternative set (don’t expect it to be new, just an equal exchange, maybe ex-display refurb or something) from 2016 or 2017 then maybe those will run better as they’re 2nd and 3rd Gen 4K with better processing and less chance of bottlenecks (which I think is the cause). 


Also I noticed the new PC board fitted was from a 75X8505C, not a 55X8509C. Do these use the same PC boards as I know there’s a big dif in the Hertz on these two! 


Anyway, rant over. Any help or pointing in the right direction would be really appreciate. 



Well @jumpsuit, I’m at a loss for words. 


I decided to ring them to ensure they received the emails. After a few minutes of fumbling through the case, the call handler told me the repair centre isn’t a Sony authorised repair centre and refused to go any further with the case until a gave them the TV’s serial number (which I can’t as it’s in for repair). It seemed they couldn’t understand the contents of the email and couldn’t understand why I was ringing. 


I then got hold of HBH Woolacotts and found the repair office in Bude is the authorised repairs centre for all Sony TV’s in for warranty repairs in Devon and Cornwall. It also shows on the Sony website and shows all their stores on the map. 


I then submitted the full repair reports with the repair centres address and told them this. 


The same advisory has now emailed back and said the TV is out of warranty as it’s not a authorised repair centre and closed the case. 


To to say I’m shocked at the customer support team is an understatement. I’m literally seething with rage, shock and disgust. £1500 and this is how they treat customers who have problems with faulty goods being repaired under warranty. 


I really don’t know what to do next, but I will now exhaust every possible avenue I can as no company should ever get away with this sort of behaviour.

Hi @Hippykiller2 :slight_smile:


I'm really sorry to hear that!

I will re-escalate this straight away.


If I hear anything I will post back here.

I’m getting nowhere. I rang them yesterday morning to chase the case and ask what’s happening.  Advisor put me on hold and after a short time came back and promised a manager would call back that same day. I didn’t ask for that, but I thought oh ideal. Sony CR office closed and NOTHING!!!


this morning I called again to chase it, same response “a manager will call you back today, definitely today” and nothing. I decided to call them 10mins before the office closed to see if I could catch them. I was on hold for 10mins, then the hold message changed to “the office is now closed”. I’ve been recording all these calls btw. 


My TV has been repaired 3x now under their warranty. Every time it returns, the fault reoccurres within 24hrs. Now I’ve gone higher than the Sony store that sold it to me and their CR department have now falsely started claiming the warranty is void and closed the case. 


I’ve emailed them back and showed them the warranty is valid, given clear evidence it is, told them they must help as I paid for a 5yr warranty which I’m not even half way through. Ive also pre-warned them I suffer terribly with depression and this is really affecting my days.  Still nothing. 


Im now currently speaking to my Union rep as we get legal representation, even on personal cases. It’s basically a rock solid case of breach of contract. Also electrical goods are expected to have a life of at least 5yrs so I’ve got another refund case under consumer goods. 


If I have to, I’ll take this all the way, but ultimately all I want is a working TV!

Hi @Hippykiller2


I was told that a manager would be in contact with you by Monday.

Let me feed back what happened and I will get back to you.



I spoke to a manager yesterday after chasing my failed call back 3days in a row. 


Happy to say he offered to exchange my set with a refurbished XE85 almost immediately. Little nervous with the exchange as it has almost the exact same Chip set as the older one which I personally believe wasn’t sufficient to run android and youview.  Also only just realised the replacement set is somewhat cheaper looking and mostly made of plastic! Also lost 3D. Makes my 4x pair of 3D glasses and 16 3D films useless, so off to eBay they go. Would of thought an XE90 would of been fairer, as I would of gained 10bit HDR to make up for the loss of 3D. I just can’t get over the look of the plastic though. Really worried about what’s about to turn up on my doorstep!

Hi again @Hippykiller2


I'm glad you;re getting it sorted :slight_smile:


Support have been in touch again just to say could I please let you know that they

did not intend to causeyou any inconvenience and that you are welcome

to let themknow if you need more help in the future.



It was too good to be true. Replacement  TV arrived today. A “as new” refurbished XE85. Been watching it for 3hrs now and the screens randomly flickered 5-6 times. It’s done it watching HDMI sources and the native Netflix app. So my faulty TV had been replaced with a faulty TV. I’m near tears. 

Not sure if it’s the backlight suddenly flickering or something, but the whole screen goes really bright-really dark-really bright-normal in the fraction of a second. It did it twice in 10mins, then again an hour later, then 30mins, then 5mins, then 45. No rhyme nor reason to it 


I’m so upset. My partners scared to even come in the same room as I’m in such a bad mood now. 


Bravo Sony, Beavo 😢😥😓😪

Hi there,


I have escalated this issue and someone will update this thread once there is more news to share. 


Best wishes,



Thanks, I’ve managed to get it on vid so I can email evidence of it. The TV itself is great. Responsive, quick, even though the stands plastic it looks fine and love the fact I can hide the wires. I know it’s a factory refurb but it’s spotless. Love it, just doesn’t work. Hour will go by and it’s fine, then once the flicker starts it’ll come and go. More common in 4K HDR mode, but still happens with HD and SDR stuff.

I’m wandering why it was sent back to Sony to start with, willing to bet it was the same/similar issue. Half tempted to put in a subject access request just to satisfy my curiosity.

I don’t want another repair as that takes 3-4 weeks, don’t want another refurb as there’s no way of telling if that one will have issues. They can offer 75%-100% of what I originally paid, I’ll even accept it in Sony Centre store credit. I’ll use it to towards buying a brand new fault free one then. Enough is enough. 12 months now 😥😪

Kind Regards

Am in the same boat after 3 weeks now wth no TV due to 6 red light flash cycle. Ive used the best part of my projector bulb life as this is taking so long. I will need to buy a projector bulb, must be €200.00 


The x85c has good PQ, but I regretted selling my W829 to get the x8509c. The 1080p W829 had superior pic quality and i didnt rreally use HDR because the bottom of the set where the edge led is got burning hot to the touch.


Since 2007 Ive purchased a 40-P3025, 40-W4500, 46-W5500, 46-HX803, 46 HX823, 55W829, and now this X8509c which is getting replaced due to a bad led panel. Just 35 months old.

The W5500, HX803 and W829 had lovely uniform panels The rest i lived with.


Without 3 blu-ray players, A soundbar, and 3 VPL-HW 10, 15 and 55es projectors.


If they send a refurbished TV it means it was returned because a customer was not happy obviously, i wont accept it. I purchased all NEW TVs, no display models or specials. If Sony pull this on me after this ordeal im finished.


Ive called them, Emailed them but not even an acknowledgement of my communication.


The x8509c Android system crashed every day and had niggling issues before it gave up the ghost.


I really hope they do the right thing with me



Dublin North.


[Edited for privacy]