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Sony 55XD9305BU and CT-380 SoundBar volume not the same

Sony 55XD9305BU and CT-380 SoundBar volume not the same



I have the CT-380 Soundbar connected to a Sony 55XD9305BU TV via the HDMI ARC connection from the TV to the Soundbar, but the volume on the soundbar is too low compared to the TV Speakers.


For instance, if using the TV speakers alone, they are quite loud on 15


If I use the Soundbar alone, it seems to be using its own volume number independent of the TV. I am using the TV remote to control the Soundbar Volume.


So for example, when using the Soundbar (instead of the TV Speakers) i use the TV remote and set the TV volume to 15, the Soundbar volume displays 5, so the soundbar Volume is low.


Any way to make it so the TV volume displayed on the TV screen is the same on the Soundbar? It's like the Soundbar volume is 10 volume increments lower...




Of course you can still command everything using the TV remote!

You'll see all your device under the same HDMI so you cannot use anymore the input switching but using the sync remote button you will see each and any device and choose and control whichever you want. You can also define in the same menu whether to use the tv button to control the TV (i.e. for setting the image) or the remote device.By default it should send the command to the attached device.

And of course whenever you switch on a device it will automatically adjust the TV and soundbar input in order to go to straight to that device.

You may encounter some problems only with skybox (stiil :slight_smile: ) that is known not to support HDMI CEC perfectly (some people choose to by an HDMI cable without the CEC pin in order to exclude it from the chain....)



I tried connecting the 3 devices to the Soundbat via HDMI, and then HDMI Arc from Soundbar to TV.


Granted the sound is better, but the Device switching doesn't work using the TV Remote. -I tried all the Bravia Sync settings etc, but the only way to change the Device is using the Soundbar Remote.


Why doesn't this work? Why don't Sony's own products work with each other? It beggers belief that Sony sell TV and Soundbar bundles knowing full well that certain configurations simply will not work...

Have you tried pushing the sync menu button on the tv remote? Don't you see the list of all your devices to be selected?

If not try again resyncing everything via the Bravia sync menu. If still nothing try disconnecting the skybox...

Yes I see only 3 devices, the Sky Box, DVD player and Soundbar, but not the Virgin Media Box.


I clicked ENABLE and it says the SEND command was sent etc etc.


After that, I put a film on the DVD, then i tried switching to the SKy Box by pressing a button the Sky remote and as expected, nothing happens

As anticipated it could be a problem of the skybox... If you unplug it, you see the virgin box appear and everything is working? If this is the case and was working before, trying attaching only the skybox to the TV and all the others to the soundbar....

Going back to the issue of having sound from the TV Speakers and Soundbar at the same time, is it possible to use the Sound RCA outputs or Headphone sockets? Would the TV remote still control both?

AFAIK HTCT380 do not have analog input and anyway you'll get only bad analogue stereo audio from that not 5.1 digital sound....

In my personal opinion you should only find a way to solve the problem with skybox either plugging it to teh TV directly with still HDMICEC on or if it still confuses your setup, using an HDMI-CECless cable (in which case you have to operate the skybox with its own remote and manually switch to the HDMI input on TV)



Is this something we can request from Sony to be made available in the next Firmware upgrade?


i.e. The ability to choose both TV speakers and External System at the same time?

They could have tick boxes in the SETTINGS - SOUND area and instead of a toggle, they have tick boxes to choose which sound outputs you want?




I bought the latest Sony CT390 soundbar and putting it i in front of my stand mounted XD9305  which I regret buying, the soundbar stops the remote from operating the TV because  Soundbar covers the TV sensor. Took soundbar back for a refund.

6 months later and stil the same issue...... The CT380 connecting is hit and miss.


When you switch the TV on, the unit puts the TV Speakers on sometimes have to manually change to Soundbar.


Do Sony even listen? Is there any Firmware for either the XD9305 or the SoundBar CT-380 that even addresses this issue, or as usual have Sony buried their head in the sand?