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Hey Guys,
Hope its a good thread..
I've got a problem with my Android TV. It seems that update started automatically. When i've came back to home i've tryed to turn on my tv. Sony and next android logo shown.. after that i get the information that applications are updating and then information that software update application crashed and information that Google Play Store crash sometimes. And now Sony, Andoid and software update app are showing over and over.. I've tryed power reset and then factory reset but nothing happend. Google didnt help, tryed every solution..
Anyone with similar problem ? Help
¡Resuelto! Ir a solución.
First of all, thanks for reply.
Nope, warranty ended exacly 1 month ago..
I already called to Sony and now service will check my tv.. but at the moment i need to pay for it. It is a chance that repair costs will be refunded because of breakdown occurred shortly after the warranty expired, but we will see
Thanks for help!
Hi @kwiatar and welcome to the Community
Just to clarify, you can't get past the application
update messages to get to any app or system settings?
Yup, cant do nothing. It keeps restarting over and over again.
Thanks for getting back to me.
As you've already tried resets, the only advice I can give is to phone Sony Support
Is your tv still in warranty?
First of all, thanks for reply.
Nope, warranty ended exacly 1 month ago..
I already called to Sony and now service will check my tv.. but at the moment i need to pay for it. It is a chance that repair costs will be refunded because of breakdown occurred shortly after the warranty expired, but we will see
Thanks for help!
Hi again
You're welcome
Hope its sorted quickly for you.
and cheaply
Hi - did this get fixed? I find myself in exactly the same position.....