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Liquidsky cloud gaming on Sony 2015 Android TV


Liquidsky cloud gaming on Sony 2015 Android TV



I just stumbled across the press release from liquidsky. A cloud gaming service that would allow us to stream AAA PC games to our smart TV (there is even an ad tier for very causal games so you can play for free). 


I tried to search for their APK through the Play Store on my Sony S85 but it did not show. I think the idea is really interesting and if I would be able to use it without any extra hardware, just my Sony TV and Dualshock it would be really great.


1. I am not sure that they have a smart-tv version released for Android yet, seems to be in the workings. However it seems several people already 6 months ago tried the normal apk and got it to work. Is this kind of sideloading possible on Sony TV's? Running mobile apk's in the TV. The mobile apk is available here:


2. Did anyone already try this? It would be really cool to know if it works well. Especially with the Dualshock and also if it works with 2 Dualshock controllers.

Not applicable

Hi there


Interesting concept - whether it actually works with low enough lag, as well as being a financially stable business model is yet to be seen.


I somehow cannot see this working on the TV as of yet, buy yes you can sideload apps to the TV.  But you will need a different laucher such as "Sideload Launcher - Android TV" :


I guess if you can manage to sideload it, you can test out the dualshock controller and get back to us?  :slight_smile:




Cool that you can sideload the apk. Currently I do not have the Dualshock so I can not test right now. Also since Liquidsky seems to be launching officially in March, maybe they will also launch an official Android TV version.


If anyone gets around to test it before, it would be really interesting to know the results.