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Dolby Vision on Older Sony Models


Dolby Vision on Older Sony Models

Reading some of the stories coming from the CES show this week it looks as though Dolby Vision is going to start being implemented into future 4k blu rays. My concern is that my 2015 Sony tv only accepts HDR10 likewise for my Samsung 4k blu ray player and upon further reading looks as though no software update could make these models compatible as it is hardware requirements, looking as though my new TV and 4k blu ray player could already be outdated.

What are peoples thoughts on this do you think that both HDR standards would be included on the disc or would it be one or the other, are we looking at a format war again when it looked as though the speciifcations had been decided? 


Your TV also can't decode 10-bit VP9 (VP9-profile 2) which might become important in the future (e.g. YouTube HDR). Or maybe AV1, the successor of VP9, will become THE codec for 4K/HDR. There are also other systems for HDR metadata in the pipe. I think it is pointless to invest in 4K/HDR today.