Bravia 65XR80 Lip Sync issue.

Bravia 65XR80 Lip Sync issue.

I recently replaced my Bravia XD93 with a Bravia XR80. Straight swap. 

My Sky Q box is connected to the TV in the HDMI 1 input. It's not a 120hz input but the Sky Q box doesn't output 120hz, so that's fine. No lip sync issues with this set up. 

My UBP-X800M2 4K blu ray player is connected to my TA-AN1000 amp in the BD/DVD input. The amp output is connected to the XR80 via the eARC input. There is a lip sync issue with this connection. I can't currently fathom out why. My HDMI cables are QED and capable spec. As far as I'm aware my gear is compatible. I haven't tried an optical cable, but at the end of the day the eARC with HDMI should work. When I adjust the settings on the amplifier to 130m/s, it looks better, but I don't like having to do that. 

When I play a disc and turn the amp off and have pass through on, the lip sync is fine! It's only when I turn the amp on and output the sound through my 5.1 system. 

I had no problems whatsoever with the XD93. Any thoughts from someone with more knowledge than me would be appreciated. It's a head scratcher. 




Sorry, a little bit of crossed wires. When I said that the PS5 was ok with no syncing issues, I meant during the gaming. I do have a disc version and absolutely didn't even think of using that as a test subject. Well, after reading your reply, I have tried it. The lip syncing is out. First time I've ever played a blu ray in it! So, yes. The issue exists on a blu ray for the PS5 also. It's in sync with gaming. General sounds. Footfall and shots fired etc. I tried turning the the VRR on and off and it's just the same.

The blu ray straight in the TV played faultlessly through the TV speakers and then through the amp when turned on. As I said before, when the blu ray is connected straight to the amp, but the amp is off, it passes through faultlessly with no lip sync issues out of the TV speakers. 

This evening for about an hour I was researching 120hz and blu ray players. The newest article I found was still a year old. But as far as I can see, there aren't any? It seems like the blu ray outputs what it outputs and the processing for 120hz is done elsewhere. I remember examples given about 120 being the magic number because it's divisible by 24 and 60 etc. The thought of compatibility between my blu ray player and the TV had crossed my mind right at the start, fleetingly, when I noticed the issue. Just because it's the oldest bit of kit. It's still for sale though, and Sony haven't replaced it with a better spec. Plenty of forums are talking about the X800M2 with 120hz TV's, i.e - reminding to use the 120hz enabled HDMI inputs for better quality etc. 

I'll check the blu ray player into the amp with the VRR turned off on the TV tomorrow. It's unlikely to be that though, when it didn't do anything for the blu ray player on the PS5. 

It's crazy.

The picture is behind the audio. I don't know I'd mentioned that. But why? I think Sony consider it acceptable, hence the option to delay the sound on the amp so it matches the visuals. 🤷🏻

There was an update for the TV released on the 19th Feb 2025 one of the first thing it addresses is lip sync issues when watching TV channels.

Have you noticed lip sync issues when watching TV channels.

Do you know if your TV is running this latest version of software.


What we know at the moment is the the two devices connected directly to the TV do not suffer lip sync issues.

Lip sync issues are only occurring when the two devices are connected through the amp to the TV.


So that would point to a problem with the settings on the amp.

Check all sound processing and HDMI settings on the amp just in case there is something being overlooked.

Read the notes here,


In all this time have you powered down the amp, unplugged it, waited a few minutes and then restarted it,

if not try this and see if it refreshes the amp and clears the issue.

I would try this for the TV also.


It might be worthwhile disconnecting everything from the amp.

Turning it on, resetting to factory default if it allows you to do that.

And then going through the set up procedure with the devices now all connected up.

Yeah. Firmware is up to date. I already reset the TV once before I even noticed the lip syncing problems. It used to freeze and turn itself off. Then the firmware update popped up about 2 days later. 

I think I'll contact or phone Sony directly. I've already given them a very poor rating on feedback about the product. As you pointed out, one of the troubleshooting  recommendations was to utilise lip sync adjust. So I'm sure Sony will find the level of picture delay as acceptable. 

For a Sony community forum I'm surprised there haven't been people with the TV who could have at least said I have the TV, no problems, and my settings are these, paired with these pieces of kit etc. 

I'm still of the mind it's the TV. It's the odd one out. All settings on the disc player and the amp are the same and the XD93 handled them fine. 

The only change in my system is the TV. 

My amp HDMI settings are the same as before with the XD93. The XD93 handled those settings. 

I'll try the turning on and off rigmarole, that's all I can think of really. We've exhausted everything else. 

Cheers for your help. I'll let you know if it ever gets solved. I think it's just a very glitchy TV. I'm not impressed, and I'm a bit of a Sony fan.

One thing that has just jumped in to my mind is what picture mode is your TV set to.

As you have a playstation connected you might be using the TV in Game Mode and forgotten to

set it back to Standard, Cinema or other for watching TV or Blu Ray.

I have a faint memory that if the TV is set to Game for Picture Mode that can cause problems with

A/V (lip sync) when watching playback from DVD/ Blu Ray and other content.

Although on my XR42A90K it doesn't, but worth a try.

Settings> Picture Mode.


If there were an across the board issue with the Bravia 8 models and its A/V sync with the many many many A/V processors, Soundbars etc etc I am sure we would be seeing far more posts on this community than we already have. Have you tried other forums or perhaps YouTube etc etc etc.


Do you still have the old TV around or perhaps another in the house that you can quickly hook up

to the amp and the Blu Ray to see if there are issues there.

If you have the old TV and can connect it to the amp, check and see what the HDMI set up is on the TV and also the Audio settings that were being used before you replaced it with the Bravia 8.



This from Sony may or not help.

I'd seen that issue mentioned too, game mode etc when it's on blu ray. I was hoping it was such a thing! But no, I'm not that lucky. That's one thing that is working properly with the TV. It recognises the individual pieces of kit and changes the settings itself accordingly. When the PS5 game is on, it's on game mode. The content type has always been on video/images when the blu ray has been playing. 

I haven't found other Bravia 8 owners!! Everyone has Bravia 9. 😂
Community Team

Hi @zoz1234, try these steps on the TV: 

1. Disconnect all externals (e.g. sky box, Ariel cable, HDMI cables or USB, etc.)

2. Unplug the TV from the mains and leave it for 1 minute and then plug it back.

3. Make sure the software is updated: 

6. In case issue persists, perform a factory data reset:


On the UBP-X800M2, perform the steps in pages 27 and 28 in the manual:

And make sure that it's updated to the latest version: 


On the TA-AN1000, perform the steps here:

ensure it has the latest software as well:

Revert the device to the factory settings:

If the issue remains, reset it to the default settings:


Try the amplifier and the player with different devices, the once that the issue remains with will need an inspection.

Thank you for the advice.

Every Sony device is up to date with firmware. They are all on auto update too. 

Both my blu ray player and amplifier were recently connected to my XD93 with the same settings and working absolutely fine. 

It's just with this new XR80. The picture has a very noticeable delay compared to the audio when playing blu ray through the amp. 

I do have a current workaround. My blu ray connected to the TV HDMI 4 (4K/120hz) with prioritise pass through on to amp. Sync is fine. 

I haven't classified this as solved, because it isn't. It's a workaround. 

It should be fine going through the amp out to the TV via eARC but it's not. And they're all devices supposedly compatible with each other. All Sony components. 

I don't watch blu ray with the PS5 so that doesn't matter, and the actual gaming is fine. 

I'm going to keep it like this because I'm sick of messing about with it. I  just won't be so quick to buy a Sony TV in future like I have done for as long as I can remember. I'll consider other brands after the problems this has caused. 

Like my friend recently said, for this kind of money you should plug everything in and it works!!