AF9 and Bravia Sync Arc problem

AF9 and Bravia Sync Arc problem

I have the above tv. I want to disable Bravia sync since I dont require it.  I only use my av receiver for the sound and not the tv speakers. I don’t like the way it keeps popping up that it is changing speaker source when it doesn’t need to. I also use a harmony remote so don’t need the hdmi control function. The problem is when I disable Bravia sync I also lose arc so I get no sound from the inbuilt apps. Turn sync back on and all is well apart from the annoying speaker switch message every time I turn the tv on. Is it correct that Bravia sync needs to be left on for arc to work?




Again thanks for the complete description. It explains the full scope of the real issue in your setup.


There might be a number of different workarounds for you to try. I will need to investigate the scenario before I can make suggestions.


What I would like to know at the moment is the following:

  • Can you describe the behaviour when the two options in my initial post are set to ENABLED?
  • Can you let us know what is the speaker configuration you have at the moment? (e.g. 5.1.2)
  • Also there must be an option in your receiver relating to ARC with a title in the lines of: Enable return audio for [TV] or [AMP] or [AMP+TV]. You must set this setting to [AMP+TV] in order to prevent the TV from defaulting back to TV Speakers while the device handshake has not taken place yet.

Post back your responses and I will get back to you in the following days.


