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AF8 - any fix for the annoying auto dimming?

AF8 - any fix for the annoying auto dimming?

Whilst I enjoy the TV for movies Netflix / Prime and general viewing - news, iPlayer, etc, I am getting increasingly frustrated with the auto-dim feature when watching sports and when playing games (with a static content). 


Granted, this is to protect against image retention, there must be a way to manually choose to run that risk or not (I hear Sony wouln't honour warranty for image reteintion anyway, so surely users shoudl be allowed to run the risk).

The brightness of this model is low to begin with (indeed the PQ only looks good when set at max brightness and high luminance), but the auto dimming is a show stopper for me. The issue is that it darkens considerably when watching football specifically. I've tried every possible setting in the luminance menu and in the Eco settings menu. I've had a third party authoirsed Sony engineer round. Nothing helps - the auto-dim inevitably kicks in 2-3 minutes into a programme showing static content. When I change channel and come back to the original channel - bang - there it is back to its glorious brightness. It's almost like the TV is teasing.


Any news on a fix or a workaround? Thanks



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Hi there,


Have you tried a factory reset?


Best wishes,


Yes, I have tried that, but it doesn't change anything


I purchased the AF9 2 months ago and having the exact same problem been in touch with Sony who say it is to protect screen burn I am now in the process of taking legal advice as I can’t accept a tv with any static content such as a football score or even a news broadcast where it may say “ live from ...” has to auto dim after a mere 2 minutes. I have tried all the usual things that’s been suggested to eradicate the problem but nothing stops this annoying fault.
Community Team

Hi millerboyred, I came across this link: If you want try turning off these settings. Let us know if it worked.

Many thanks for your reply I have previously tried all the settings suggested and nothing stops the screen from dimming when there is a static logo such as a football score on screen for more than 2-3 minutes the only way to get the picture back to normal brightness is to either change channels or enter the picture menu and exit without altering any settings.

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In the end I sold the my Sony AF8 and it was the best thing I ever did.


I now have an LG CX OLED which remains as bright as you want it to be whatever you are watching. It has a built in logo luminance feature which detects static content and dims ONLY that content (i.e. the logo). Everything else is bright and vibrant. Couldn't be happier. For the money Sony charge they are years behind in certain technology. Also, for Sony to say that this is not an issue is like burying their heads in the sand. Sloppy.

Hi thanks for your comments I fully understand why you got rid I am still in conversation with Sony and the retailer which I have to say is most annoying and frustrating for them to say it is a normal feature of the tv is beyond contempt. I doubt many people would purchase this tv if they were told before hand the picture will automatically dim when watching any content that has a static logo after just 2 mins. I informed Sony earlier today other rival manufacturers have identified and solved the problem I’m still awaiting a reply.

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This post is nearly two years old but I don't suppose you got an answer from Sony at all?


I've recently purchased the A90K and am having the exact same issues you reported, more so with gaming than football. Seems to be a Sony issue with all their tv's sadly.

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Hey @jim_bob64, have you tested it in different HDMI formats? Also, have you switched off the light sensor?